The End Is Beautiful

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(These are all done by Kadeart. Thank you all for reading this Fanfiction I now have many others for you to read. And I will be dropping the first chapter of another Hawks x Reader fic today. This story will continue with little shorts and fluff from this chapter on when I have time or have inspiration. This is also your Gore warning. Basically the major struggle is over.)

         Your eyes snapped opened in the dark. You spend a good couple weeks at the new home. With help fro Tusbaki you had healed completely. But this... this felt different. Slipping out of the bed holding your family. You smiled to them. Pulling a note out leaving it on your pillow. The boys wear wrapped around the twins lovingly. Your eyes drank in the sight like it would be the last memory you had. Since that talking Nomu showed up you had known. The council and league wear working together.
      This hunt would all end tonight. You wear finished with this. You wear keigos hero shirt and Dabi's coat over your own leather pants. Picking up the scythe you had made that Madoryia kindly brought back to you.
       Flying wasn't as difficult anymore. When you wear at a vacant cannion you remembered. "So this was where that lab was." You smiled a little at the memory of Dabi nearly burning you alive for attacking everyone. Half of them now wear your friend and fought over who would babysit your kids or visit next.
      "Yes... do you ever wonder what our quark really is? They label it a stock piling quark but I think it's a quark eating quark." You turned towards the creature talking to you. It was indeed a twittered version of yourself. "You came here before the fighting could even start, did you just instinctively feel the shit in the worlds I wonder?"
      You took a deep breath as you took up a ready stance. "There already fighting aren't they? My friends and your masters."
      "Possibly. But I was to come out and obliterate them all. Even the eraser quark can't stop me. So how are you going to be any better?" It grinned a jagged tooth smile back.
      You didn't say anything, it was pointless to talk reason to something that had never know freedom. Was programmed to do nothing but fight to the end. You dodge as it showed up close pushing off the ground creating a massive impact spot next to you with a sword the size of its body created from the crystals you shared. You sliced down with you scythe cutting off it's hair dangiling from hits head as it pulled back.
     "Your going to silent? Boring. You know we can't really die. They tried to kill me over and over but because our evolved quark keeps us on the line of life and death we don't die. Oh it hurts yes, we freeze yes. But we never really die."
      You didn't hesitate in charging forward the thing brought it's massive sword to block but the feather blade sliced through it. But the cold breath you both let loose showed you both wear fighting on the edge. One foot in the grave one foot out. The physical sword broke but the spirit one didn't. It looked like it was a twisted mesh of wings fused together.
      "Unlike you my wings feel out. Bones and all. Could never be put back on." The twisted creature dashed forward you both managing to slice into each other. Your wings slowly draining the other of life force. You panted as you shook looking at the creature bleeding and coughing up it's on blood.
     *Not yet... I can't go down yet. I have to make it back to my family. But first I must destroy this place. Everything it holds.* The crystal broke away from the feather as you grabbed it. Using the best of your wings to push forward faster then before. The thing pulled it's own feather from its blade. Your both ran each other through at the same time.
     Coughing up blood your body tried to suck in its life while it tried to suck you in. That's when it happened you felt all the memory's the smiles the pain. The laughs and jokes, the tears and night cuddling, the nights in bed together. Your short happy life flashing from you. Your body lighting up the same it did when you pulled Twice back from the dead.
     "You.... what are you doing?!" It screamed
     You laughed a little manic as Dabi's coat fluttered around you. "Release!" You screamed as not just Dabi's quark but every quark you every ate from. Released at once's. The entire canton was covered in flames of all colors, explorations, lighting, wave movements life itself healing. Best of all disintegration, the lab and every Nomu in it. The scientists, those visiting. The workers. All of it gone in a blink of an eye as the place you once stood turned into a seemingly endless hallow abyss. The creature decentagraying with it. Little life force it had Didnt have enough to sustain you. Your wing buckling as you started to fall. Freezing over from your chest outwards.
      No that thing was wrong. The only thing that could kill you was yourself. Miles and miles of  land taken down at once. Your mind fogging but you heard it. A voice growing louder. "Aiko!"
     You smiled and reached up, pressing your freezing hand to Keigos face as he caught you. "Keigo...." you wheezed out. "Love... you..." you felt it your muscles and bones freeze solid all the way to your face. A smile on it as you looked up at him. You fading vision was of him crying as he held you.
     "No kid! Don't leave me! Your staying!" They sounded like they wear from far away.
     Oh how you wanted to. You wanted to stay you wanted to watch your children grow old. Get into adventures with your friends. No longer be hunted and happy. Live in the city and be able to walk in the sun. Oh how you wanted to play in the sun with your babies. No cages live a happy normal everyday life. The one thing most people dreaded. To grow old with your beloveds to die with them in your sleep. The safest place you could ever have. No tubes no wires none of it. If you wear reborn that's all you wanted not just for you but the twisted soul they created like you.
       Everything was dark was this was the end for even a soul was really like? Just nothingness until you opened your eyes again as a baby? Empty? Maybe not, your loved ones were still alive. Why couldn't you stay like twice did. Watch over them protect them with all you had in the after life. Was it the feather through your chest? The last act of evil from a destroyed soul?
      You started to hear it, crying.... people calling you to come back. You turned to look in the darkness. Far in the distance you saw it. A light. A way out. You moved towards it as the inky black tried to hold you back. Slowly you broke free. Gaining strength the closer you got to it. You could feel. Horrible crushing pain. You lungs your Limbs everything burned but the voices.
     "Come back Dumb ass!" Bakugou screamed.
     "Your not done yet!" Madoryia yelled.
    "Your to sweet to leave yet!" Kirishima sniffled.
    "Don't you go thinking your allowed to die. Live!" Shinsou demanded.
     "Come back miss sparkle!" Eri sniffled with Kiri.
    "Hey hey hey no turning of the broad cast half way through you hear me!" Mic yelled.
     "Relay on us heros. We are here for you." Aizawa grumbled.
      "Hey you brought me back you can't go lost now." Twice screamed.
      "I forgave for you! Now you come back and play with me!" Toga growled.
      "You embody all stain wanted. Don't go running off now." Spinner grumbled.
      "Angel don't leave me with the bird brain. We need you. Yuki and Yo need you too. If you go you have to take us with you. I love you please stay." Dabi sounded like he was crying for once. You though you would never see the day.
     "Aiko,  I love you with all my broken heart. Please... I'm begging you come back." Your eyes slowly opened crystal falling from your body as they did so. Keigo and Dabi wear hugging you so tight they wear crushing the day light out of you. Everyone had been feeding you their quarks. That's why you revived.
      "Cushing.... me...." you wheezed still smiling.
     Both men pulled back and looked at you in shock as your body turned soft. All but the wound because uncrystqlized. You laughed horsly as they kissed you all over.
      Everyone screaming happy or laughing. Smiles blooming on everyone's faces. They wear all covered in their own wounds. Even people you didn't really know where there and laughing and cheering. It was over the commission and the league lost all data on you and every researcher even slightly wanting to research you. You relaxed in the happy bath of joy from everyone. Before nodding off to rest. Your body trying to heal itself. Like no one else could.

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