Chapter 4:Shopping Date

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(Art is from the manga ❤️ )
       "Wow!" Was all that came out of your mouth. It had been an entire day. Keigo had to leave to do some work. But once he came back. Just like he promised he scooped you up and took you to the shopping mall. He changed into casual cloths but still. He stuck out like a sore thumb. And people wear stopping you right and left for autographs. You bite your lip as you remember the promise you mad at the house.
      "Hey kid, if you get nervous just squeeze my hand ok? Don't you dare let go alright? Make it a promise." Keigo had looked so serious about it. Was the outside really that dangerous?
      Now it seemed like such a strange thing. His wing wrapped around you to keep the people away. So you weren't so crowded. It was a soft barricade. And you wanted to reach out and pet it. But he also made you promise not to do that either. So instead your adjusting the sunglasses that barely hide how your eyes glow constantly behind them.
       You squeezed Keigos hand as someone reached towards you. Pure panic on your face. He swiftly lifted an arm to block them. Letting go of your hand only to have him drag you further under the canary of his wings. "Hey now. She's a big shy. Please don't touch her." His words wear soft but his eyes sharp at the man reaching for you. He nodded and backed off. Even before then Keigo was leading you out of the crowd. Towards a quieter clothing store to high-end for anyone else to enter.
       He removes you from your hiding stop to get a better look. Smiling a little. "Sorry Kid I forget how overwhelming crowds can be. Especially when you haven't seen so many people together much."
       "It's... it's ok. They wear saying your a wonderful hero... I... I'm lucky your doing all this for me to begin with." You looked away shy but not before you caught a glimpse of a look. Was that pain on his face? No... just in his eyes. Why?
       You wear about to ask when a woman came over asking if you wanted to try some things on. Your voice coming out as a little squeak. The sundress you wear didn't even cover all your scars. Instead Keigo had given you one of his spar jackets to cover you. The feather pendent dangling around your neck. Swayed gently before it rubbed your cheek.
       "It's ok Kid, she isn't going to touch you. She just wants to help you pick out some cloths that's all. We are both going to help you alright?" He squeezed your hand back twice.
      The actions calming you down. Blushing as you nod in embarrassment. "It's... frustrating that I didn't understand. I'm sorry." Your voice you think was small. But Keigo acted like he could hear it no matter how small your voice was.
     "Hey Kid it's ok we are all always learning. Your not the only one who gets frustrated. Just relax. There's no rush to any of this ok?" Keigo have you an encouraging smile. "Come on Aiko. This way to the woman's section."
     The woman before you smiled and chuckled. For a second you worry something was wrong. But you fallowed close next to Keigo. Something about this lady did have her on edge. And the way Keigo watched her like a predator. Maybe he felt it too. A look of a hunter had crossed her face. But Keigo was playing along so you went with it too.
      "Keigo... there are so many colors! How do you even pick one?" Looking at the rack of clothing with big eyes. Reaching out and touching a shirt you forget that you might be endanger all together. Instead your eyes light up with pure joy as you smile so bright at Keigo he looks like he's lost in the sight for a moment.
      "Easy kid, just take all of them then. You will look great in just about anything I bet." He smirks as he chuckles picking out a few things for you. "Maybe you can come to the modeling agency sometime. They would love someone to make their clothing pop like you can. Though I'm not sure I would want to share you with the world. Not like that anyway."
      "Molding?" Looking at the walls you gasp as your eyes find a massive poster of Keigo. "Look! It's you! Wait... so you do pictures for what's this called?"
      "Advertising. Ya, I'm a part time model along with being a hero." It seemed he was relaxed but his eyes. They didn't match his actions at the moment. No one else would have noticed. The only reason you noticed was because of years of reading people's intent as they cut into you.
       You smiled and nodded, not entirely sure how this worked. You fallow Keigo towards the cash registers. The noises outside over whelming. You watched the people through the glass as they crowded the front. They all looked so diffrent. Happy to be on your side of the glass, but still. It wasn't as bad when they weren't  wearing white. Your dragged out of your thoughts as the woman from earlier walked over. "Don't you want to try them on before buying?" She was looking directly at you so close it was uncomfortable.
       You look at her and just blink. Not sure what she ment. Keigos feather pulls you towards him and away from the woman. "No, she doesn't need to try them on." He had turned around bags in hand. A smile that didn't reach his eyes on his face.
      "She's so pretty, next time we have a show she should come model." The woman said, it seemed her eyes gleamed with something. An emotion you saw in those that hurt you. The feather didn't have to drag you any further. You nearly ran towards Keigo taking his hand as you glared at the woman.
     It was getting harder to breath for some reason. Your heart was beating so fast. And for a moment you wear that animal in the cage again. Ready to lash out if anyone opened it. That's when you heard Keigo start to hum only loud enough for you to hear. Squeezing your hand, the feel seemed to calm you down. "No, I'm a greedy bird thanks. I want to keep her to myself. Have a good day." He dragged you towards the exit but all the people at the doors made it harder for you to concentrate. You wear only two steps outside the door when Keigo scooped you up and took off over everyone's heads. Not saying a word to the media.
      Your face pressed into his chest as you clung to him. Listening as he spoke, sounds of his flapping wings helped you relax. "Hey Kid, sorry about all the press. I didn't think they would assume you wear my girlfriend already. Sometimes it's easier to be in a different country, where they hardly know me. Then be here in my home town. You did well though. Held it together until the end."
When you land your suprised that you're not at his house. Instead Keigo sets you on the roof top carefully with a smile. You clutch his shirt on your hand as you look at the view with pure joy. "Wow!!!!! It's.... it's beautiful Keigo." You turn to look at him beaming at all the colors of the park below you. The nature but what was most marvelous was the sky.
Keigo gently took your hand off his and tucked it in his. "Mmmhmm. I saw it while on patrol today. I thought you might like it. You wear stuck away for so long... you deserve to experience some freedom."
You look at him wide eyed, not noticing how the sentiment made tears run down your face. "I... thank you. I don't know what I'm going to do... what do you do once you.... out of the cage?"
Your breath hitched as he reached out and rubbed your tears away softly. "Stay free, Aiko... let me be your wings. Just stick with me Kid. You will live enough life for multiple lifetimes." His smile genuine this time. When you nod your head and laughed. It was his turn to beam. "Then to start how about a dance kid?"
"Dance? But I..." you look at him nervous. Even though he's just a couple inches taller you look up in worry.
"It's fine, your not going to break my feet if you step on them. It's also fun. I think it's just what you need. For your second day of freedom." He pulled his phone out of his pocket and flipped on his music, Bruno Mars Just the Way You Are starts to play. His feathers ruffle excitedly as he pulls you towards him. You spin around to hit into his chest. All before he sweeps you up into the rhythm. Along with it he starts to sing to you along with it.
Your eyes widen as a smile bloom there. You giggle as you enjoy the movement. Even when you grow tired he just lifts you off your feet. Leaving the bags on the ground. Flapping his wings to hover around the roof top as you danced. Your cheeks red from all the contact. More then anything you wanted to take your sunglasses off to get a better look at his eyes. They wear handsome, Keigo in general was handsome. Your heart raced at the thought. All too soon the song ended.
Keigo smirked before leaning down and kissing your forhead. "Just be yourself Aiko. If you have fears or worries. Just tell me. You have such pure eyes. I don't want to see them so full of tears all the time. Your kind, playing with Eri as you did with as sick as you feel. I will protect you and show you how wonderful the world really is." He was cupping one of your cheeks in his hand before he handed you both back on the roof.
You nodded as you reached up on your toes with your flip flops on. Kissing his cheek and smiling up at him. "Thank you for being my wings of freedom. I'll stay for as long as you will let me."
To your suprise he seemed flustered. His feather and wings puffing up. All before he calmed down covering his mouth with a hand blushing. "Of course kid. Didn't know you could be so forward."
You blink relizing how honest you wear with out thinking about it. Your hands fly to your cheeks after you turn cherry red as well. Earning a laugh from Keigo as he reached up and ruffled your hair.
"Alright kid, I'm going to get us some food. Enjoy the view alright? Sip up that coat of you get cold. I'll be right back. You should be safe here." With that he lifted off again in the direction of some restraints. You didn't notice that someone was watching from the shadows. Keigo was to distracted by you to notice them either. It was only when he was gone that the shadow moved.

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