Chapter 20: Escape

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(Art by Kadeart ❤️)
       You blinked and coughed as you felt lips against your own. Before you wear rolled over on your side. Head in someone's lap. You looked around and recognized being back in your body. You felt a hand rubbing your back. You panted softly as you let out a soft moan.
"Little mouse... never.. do that again." You heard people banging on the door. But your mind was baffled as you tried to sit up. You felt Dabi hold your down with a hand. "Don't move. If birdbrain didn't see that he's blind."
"Dabi it's us." Toga growled as she opened the door and dragged Spinner in with her. Closing the door before looking around wide eyed. The room itself had been reduced to rubble falling in through the ceiling. "I'm not using her blood for this."
"I wouldn't if I was you." Dabi dragged his coat out of the rubble and wrapped your form in it. "Are you coming or stoping us?"
Spinner looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Your going to change the world, like Stain wanted."
Dabi nodded as he lifted you up. Covering your body. You blinked up at him. "What...." you voice hurt as you wrapped a hand around it.
     "Little mouse... Don't move."
     "Here Dabi give her to me. It's going to be hard with all those graphs to climb out." Spinner held an arm out. "We don't have time to argue. The samples won't keep them distracted long."
     You hissed as Dabi handed you over. Everything hurt. Blinking rapidly. As Spinner held you over his shoulder like a sack of potato's and climbed the walls with ease. Toga drinking some blood before doing the same. Dabi grumbled about clinging on to her as they went up. "This is stupid."
     "Not our fault the mouse blew a hole throw the roof of the lab." The Toga shifted Spinner laughed hard.
     Spinner himself snorted as he got to the top and gently lay you on the ground. Looking around. "So where's the new kid? You said she was on board for the pull out."
     Dabi brushed his cloths off as he lifted himself over the side. Looking over towards two monsters grappling. Flashes of blue scale and hard stone being shown. "She's over their dealings with the big watch dog. You wanna go fight him instead spinner?"
    Spinner shook his head. "Can she catch up?"
    You blinked trying to remember, who that was. You pushed yourself slowly off the ground. Standing up as you slid your arms through Dabi's coat. Pulling it shut as you shook like a leaf. Bare foot you looked at the ground. "Which way are we going?"
You jumped as a familiar form sauntered out of the woods. "Yo! Nugget this was!"
"Tru I'm still going to roast you." Dabi glared at the eel man who grinned with sharp teeth.
"Ya ya, put a pin in that. First gotta get you guys out of here. We got most everything set up. Quitra can handle the big guy for a little bit. But time is short, and I don't exactly want to see her crushed. Move it or lose it."
You wear already trying to make your way over walking immediately as best you could. Dabi sighed and through you over his shoulder. "Your not moving fast enough. I get why, just settle down for a moment."
Spinner bolted with Toga version of Spinner. Toga grinned as she slapped Tru on the back. "Good to see you again eel man."
"That's mr fish-stick to you Toga." Tru laughed as he moved his fingers back and snapped them forward. A bolt of lightning shooting out like a whip towards the sky. The crack sounded through the area. "Time to run."
Quitra the blue long Asian dragon unsnarled her snake like body from the massive bolder like man. Bouncing slightly away before rearing back. Opening her bloodied jaws and breathing out a stream of ice locking the being in place for a way before bolting. As her scaled hit the woods they vanished into cold mist as she shrank in size. Dropping down on top of Tru who caught her. She panted as you all ran. "It won't hold long."
Dabi nodded as he weaved through the trees. "Split up. Toga, if your not going to use it make a blood trail away."
"What a waist of yummy blood." The Toga Spinner wined as every split up. Leaving you and Dabi alone.
You huffed trying just to breath. "Are you, ok?"
"Little mouse behave." Was all he said as he made his way further into the mountains.
"Where are we going?"
You frowned further tempted to kick him for that. Even if your teeth wear chattering. You watched the night sky above you in the tree line. Grateful it wasn't sunny. That's when you saw it, a rushing amount of dust from disintegrating trees. You coughed as you tried to sit up and make a barrier to stop it. But Dabi pinked your side as he looked back.
"You never listen." He grumble as he weaved. "It won't catch anyone." Dabi slid down a  large hill side before you wear back into the city. The distraction stopping not far behind you.
       You wrapped a hand in his shirt as you tried to keep your face out of the dirt. When he sat you down on wobbly feet. You turned with a pout and flicked him in the forhead. "That's for worrying me."
      Dabi just looked down at you before he started to laugh. Taking your hand and guiding you further into the urban jungle. "You crazier then I am."
     "What makes you say that?!" You trailed behind and looked towards the sky line still. "Can we go up high?"
      "No on in their right mind would do what you just did. No we can't. He has to find us just like everyone else." Dabi seemed relaxed despite everything. Carefully navigating back ally's like it was second nature for him.
      "Why not? Your a burnt marshmallow, granted it hurts that fire.... but other then that your ok."
      Dabi pulled up to a stop. Turning to look down at you in your glowing eyes. "Because those fires killed nearly instantly to most. Your the only one that it takes a long time to burn up. Say cute things and I won't let the bird find us."
      You jumped as you heard something land in the ally behind you. Your eyes widened at the voice you heard. "To late for that burnt nugget. Give her back to me."
     Your head whipped around as you looked at Keigo. Beaming as you moved to go to him. But Dabi didn't let you hand go. You looked back at him confused. "I can't trust you birdbrain. You let her get taken." Flames licking up Dabi's hand.
     Before you could blink their wear feathers everywhere. "Not again. We are working to feather again Dabi? Then drop the flames. I'm not playing. Let go of her hand or lose it."
       "No! No one is going to hurt each other." You said holding up your arms. Letting out a little cough as you felt warmth at your back. Before the blood tears rolled down your cheek. Trying not to claw at your freezing insides as you shook.
"Kid!" The feathers returned a split second before the fire did. Dabi was practically holding you up. As he waiting for Keigo to come over. He lifted up your other side. "Hey, don't. You don't know your limits."
Dabi aborted as he glanced sideways. "Like she would stop at her limit anyway. She's a stubborn brat." Starting to walk towards what looked like a man hole. "Is this really the place?"
"Yes. It is." Keigo grinned as he shrugged. "Bet you didn't think this birdie had tricks." Keigo gripped your arm worriedly. "Shining feather your freezing." He frowned.
"You think she's cold now?" Dabi looked away for a moment. He kicked the man whole cover with his foot. Revealing a spiral stair case down. "Nice cover."
"Now everyone knows there is no city plumbing here anymore. It's not like your losing much nugget." Keigo sighed wrapping an arm around your waist and frowned. "What that her? That was a ridiculous amount of power. There was no way we wouldn't see that."
You blinked not understanding either as you looked between them. At least they weren't trying to kill each other anymore. That had to be an improvement of something. You leaned your head over against Keigo as he helped you down the stairs. Dabi closed the man whole behind you. Making sure no one saw anything that they didn't as he did so.
"Alright wanna be hero. What's it going to be?"
"I just want hero's to have so much time to relax they don't know what to do with themselves. If this is the way to do then fine. But I'm not killing other heros."
Dabi bent his head and kissed Keigos cheek. "That's fine let me handle it. But don't you dare let little mouse do what she did before."
      Your eyes widened at the contact. As you looked at Keigo who narrowed eyes at Dabi. "I'm not forgiving you yet."
     "But I always rub off on you with time." Not the least bit worried Dabi slide past both of you. Walking ahead. "No lights. Her eyes bleed in light."
      Keigo frowned and held you a little closer. You jumped as a you heard wings wrestle as one wrapped around you. "I'm not sharing." He called after Dabi. Before stroking your cheek. "Are you alright kid? Your arms hurt. They didn't... you know."
     "No I... did that myself. I didn't want to go under their knives. I'm so happy to see you." You smiled big as you nuzzled your face into Keigos neck.
     "Not as happy as I am to see you shinning feather." Keigo shivered a little before lifting you and carrying you down the stairs. "Let's get you warmed up. Gotta catch up to the burnt nugget before he burns the place in."
     "Marshmallow. He's a burnt marshmallow." You whispered, holding on to Keigo like he might vanish.
      "I can't believe he didn't kill you for calling him that." Keigo laughed as he walked down the stairs.
      "Why do you all keep saying that? He's fluffy on the inside. He gave me nuggets."
      "Oh Kid, sometimes giving food doesn't always mean being sweet. He isn't me. Though in his case you might be onto something." Keigo snickered as he walked ignoring Dabi glaring at him.

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