Chapter 28: Survival

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(Artist signature is in the bottom right ❤️)
         "Kei, stop... please." Dabi sounded so tired. "She's going to make it. You know how strong she is."
      "If... if only I'd been fucking faster."
     "If your going to say that if I hadn't failed the trap none of this would have happened. We would have just moved."
     "Hey! Boys your both pretty..... shut the fuck up you two she can hear you.... her eyes are opening."
     You cracked your eyes open everything hurt. It was like your very blood gains wear on fire. You know though that you wear shaking. Your eyes fluttering showing how much you wear struggling to stay awake. You tried to talk but their was nothing that would come out at all. You looked back and found all your feathers had fallen out. Your eyes filled with tears as your felt there hands. Finally you could feel again. You coughed on your tears as Keigo let go of your hand just to help you sit up.
"Love bird! Oh love bird." He coed to you as he kissed your forehead and held you against him. "Your alright... we are here."
"Kei... Dab..." you managed to croak out as you coughed.
Dabi moved closer and stroked your hair as he kissed your cheek. "Little mouse.... oh little angel." He rubbed your back gently as your head lulled.
You have them all a little smile as you tried to swallow. You felt the oxygen tubs and monitors. Damn it again... why always here? Your eyes fluttered closing to long. When they opened again both men where laying with you. Dabi spooking your back and Keigo nuzzled against your front. You struggled to try and breath even with the oxygen tub. Letting out a little whimper.
You sighed in relief as you felt warmth on your bare back, where you naked laying in the bed? You all wear. Your eye flicking over to see Dabi. He was sitting up. Careful not to touch Keigo with his flaming hand. Reached down and resting on your chest. Slowly it got easier to breath. You tried to reach up to him worried as he started to bleed.
Dabi caught your hand and gave you a little smile as he rested his cheek against it. "It's alright Angel. I'm fine.. can't let you freeze over. We have already lost you long enough."
You opened your mouth as huffed as he layed back down. Hand on your chest as he wrapped his arm under yours and between your breast. Electing a soft moan as Keigos feathers covered all of you. His eyes opened as he smiled at you. Stroking your hip. "Sleeping beauty, Bacon is warming you up again? Kid I'm glad your alright."
Your head felt like it was full of rocks. But you smiled for them both. "What....." you couldn't get the happen out.
Keigo frowned as he clearly gave Dabi a look as he rested his cheek against yours. As if unsure he wanted to tell you. Dabi must had narrowed his eyes because Keigo sighed. "You froze solid Aiko. You wear dead, never coming back because you pulled Twice back from the beyond. If Dabi didn't have you in his arms. We would have truly lost you. If he had been a second later losing his mind and turning into an inferno. You would have never thawed out. He's has new burns from it. But you healed him subconsciously as your body drank in his flames. Even while he tried to crisp the Nomu after you. It didn't work. That thing... it was like you. It absorbed any active quark energy near by."
You whimpered trying to hug on to Dabis arm and hold Keigos hand at the same time. Dabi whispered in your ear. "It's alright, we are safe Angel."
Keigo nodded as he stroked your cheek. "Touya is right. We wear found by the hero's charged with taking us back to the commission. The heros Deku and Endeavor. We bolted while they fought the Nomu. This is... a ship, we have been out on the sea the whole time. Since their quarks are dangerous on a vecial like that. Twice has been taking care of most things. He even made a fake Touya to keep feeding you when he was struggling. We have stayed in here with you... while you recovered."
"See little angel, everything is fine. Relax." Dabi grumbled tiredly.
You did relax your wing stumps had a small layer of feather on them now. "Long?" You wheezed out.
Keigo sighed as he rested a hand on your stomach. "It's been about your normal coma time. Two weeks." He flapped his wings and gave you a warm smile before covering all three of you once more. "We spent the time planning the attack. Though weather we go against the commission first or the league first... has yet to be seen. We might try to pit them against each other."
You nodded as your eyes slid close again. When they opened you felt much better. Sitting up on your own. While the boys on either side of you slept. You smiled a little as you noticed they had switched sides. Both of them looked so tired. You took there clasped hands across your lap. And brought them to your lips. Kissing them lovingly. As you held them to your cheek.
You gasped as you felt hands on your wings and let out a moan as you looked flushed at both men. "That's.... cheating..." you panted wings flapping under their hands. They wear back to being the little chibi wings they had been before.
"Your feathers are back, they look so healthy." Keigo said proudly as he stroked your spine.
"Their softer then yours bird brain." Dabi smiled as he cough laughed. They both seemed more then anything just relieved. "Your stab wound... it's all healed up."
You nodded as your held up your arms shakily. You didn't have muscle deteration... had they been exercising you while you wear out? It was still hard but more so because you wear doing it by yourself. "I'm strong. I promised not to die, so no one else can't either."
Twice slammed the door open with a grin. Toga dangling from his back she was so happy. "Hey hey! Looked at you three. All better?"
You blushed covering up with a blanket. Both Dabi and Keigo seemed used to it. You just say up and glared. "What did we say about knocking?" Dabi growled.
"We know your not going to fuck her right now. She's sick. Besides it's just bodies. When are you guys going to let me fuck her?" Toga pouted as she hopped off Twice before rubbing over and tackling you onto the bed. Kissing your cheek. You lay there shocked as you blinked up at Toga. "Thank you! For giving my best friend back."
Keigo grabbed Toga and pulled her off you. "No one but us is going to fuck her Toga. Don't be so rough with her."
"Oh! Sorry she's just so pretty. I just want to eat her up!" She laughed as she looked around. "Oh ya! They had water heros converging on the ship. Time to bolt."
Dabi and Keigo both bolted out of the bed dressing and helping your get dressed as well. Before Dabi took you in his arms as Keigo bend his hand. The bug out bag on his side "let's go Kid. Stay closed Bacon bits."
"Don't go from Hawk to Turkey then featherbrain." Dabi grumbled as he held you cloth. Twice producing a mimic ground as he waved them off. The rest of you took off towards an emergency hidden small boat. Dabi stayed close to the muddled with you as Keigo started the motor. As Twice and Toga climbed in.
"Right shove off time. Get em Twicy!" Toga giggled as Twice flooded the ship with copy's of himself.
Keigo shook his head as he watched it happen. Pulling away and driving off. "See that's exactly why I did what I did twice. I'm sorry we weren't on the same side before. But I'm glad we are now." Shivering at the sigh. "Sorry I couldn't fly with everyone."
You smiled as you happily snuggled into the crew. "Where's Spinner?"
"Hanging with Fish-stick. Recon back in Japan." Dabi said as he pulled his jacket tighter around you both. Keeping the sea spray off as best he could.

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