Chapter 24: Bad Girl

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(Art by Kadeart 💙⚠️ sexual content⚠️)

        You gave Dabi a fevered questioning look. "What? Da..." he cut you off.
     Sucking on your bruised lip as he carried you to the bed. Laying you down as his hands started to lick with blue flame hovering over you. "Little mouse, your much stronger then you look. Even now your willing to put up a fight. Even if it is just me feeding you. I want to have fun with it."
     You tilted your head to the side. Was that what you wear doing to him? Feeding? You reached up and stroked his cheek as he smiled at you. Your eyes sad at how it seemed.
      "Little mouse don't make that face. I wouldn't call this against my will you know. I do love your fighting spirit but your kind heart as well. Don't ever come after me again and get hurt." Dabi placed one of his burning hands just under your breast along your side. Burning his hand print into you. As your crystal scar socked in his flames as you arched into his hold. "I wouldn't do this if I didn't love you."
         You panted as your body warmed, throbbing for him as you gasped out. His other hand wrapping around your throat. Burning into you as he bent down and kissed you softly. The pressure was light, almost feather like as he squeezed the sides. Not cutting of any air at all. The warmth that filled you far out weighing the pain from the burns. When he pulled his face back he smiled at you lovingly as he started to trail his now cooled hand toying with your body. Teasing your erect nipples as you panted at him. "Dabi... hnnn."
       "Feels good doesn't it little mouse, my beautiful angel. Look at you, all excited for me already. I've hardly touched you yet." He bent down and kissed along your body before he grinned seeing the burn of his lips and the bite from Keigo the night before. Still etched on you. "Mnnn you love us don't you sweet angel."
        "Ye.... es." You panted as you looked down at Dabi kissing down your body as he smirked up at you. You reached down with your hand and stroked through his hair.
      Dabi sat up and purred as he watched you writhe below him. Panting and pink with heat for him. "Oh little angel, your so cute. Bird boy will be jealous of me. I get to play with you all to myself."
       You struggled to try and reach him. "Da... bi... Kei...go." You panted  wanted touch him back, make him feel good to.
      You let out a little gasped as he pinned your hands over your head. "No sweet angel, I'm playing with you. I'll get my rewards. I'm already enjoying myself." Dabi purred as he nibbles on your neck. Distracting you from the ties he secured on your wrists.
      You panicked a little it was all over your face as you tried to sit up. You whimpered fighting memories. You nuzzled your face into Dabis hair as you panted in fear.
      Dabi looked at you worried, he kissed you keep as he stroked your cheek. "Little mouse I'm not going to hurt you. Trust me, not in that way. I've already gotten my revenge for you fallowing me." Dabi shifted his hand as he stroked you, teasing the wet center between your legs. He caught the feather flying in from the bathroom. "Kei, you better get hole of you want to play. I'm going to use her all up." Debi chuckled as the feather twitched and waved, before he licked it.
        As the feather wiggled from his hand only to start teasing you. You let out a soft moan as it caressed your chest. Gasping as Dabi kissed and nipped your thigh. Your body glowing as you healed Dabi with the little contact from his quark backlash. The feather froze too at the same time as you nuzzled and kissed it as it stroked your cheek. Then it suddenly went flat. You panicked as Dabi noticed to. He sat up. "Keigo?" You whispered worriedly.
     Dabi cursed as he throw his cloths back on and looked down at you. "I would let you go but you will just fallow me again. Stay here. Something is wrong. I'm begging you to wait here." Dabi said as he released your hands. Your burns healed your body perfect as you throw on some cloths as well.
     You walked up to Dabi shaking holding the slack feather. "But I.... I promise I will wait. Just bring him back." You sniffled as you nuzzled the feather worriedly.
    Dabi nodded and ruffled your hair before he vanished. You paced back and forth worry eating you up inside. Thinking the worst as you did so. What if Link got to him? Did he knew that Keigo saved you? Worse was it something to do with the villains? Your heart nearly stopped as the hatch opened above. You nearly ran to the stairs eyes wide.
     Dabi glanced down. As he carried Keigo featherless on his back. A kid cradled in his arm. "He's fine. He's just tired? I'm not sure." Dabi held the little boy who looked like he was crazies carefully. Making sure not to touch him. "Keigo said not to touch the kid. So...."
      You nodded as you walked over reaching out. "I can take him."
      "Careful, I don't know what his quark is." Dabi handed the child to you.
      As you held him the kid immediately snapped his teeth into your hand. You didn't make a noise instead you looked down at the kid in worry. "Are you teeth ok?" Dabi hadn't noticed he was carrying Keigo into the bedroom. You wanted to fallow but if this kid had a quark that hurt Keigo. She wouldn't take him near them.
      The kid sure enough let go and looked confused. "Why aren't you hurting!?" The kid pulled back and rubbed his teeth.
      "You bit into stone. That's why." You said dryly as you showed the stone scare he bit into.
      The kids eyes widened as he then lashed out at you. Sinking little syringe needles finger into your neck. You gasped and dropped the kid as your glared at him. "What is this!?"
      "You Zero. I've been scent for tracking. I tried to kill the bird. He was rescuing this kid. Ahahahah but he didn't know what my real for is. It was to late for him. I've given him enough poison to kill a dragon." You hissed as you grabbed the kid by the scruff and ran towards a closet. He tried to brace his feet against the frame to keep from being locked inside. "Nooooo! I must have your body and take it back!? Kill those holding you!"
       "I'm not subject Zero. Not anymore. You all can fuck off." You slammed the door shut and locked it before bolting to the bedroom.
      Dabi looked at you wide eyed as you ran in. He was about to say something you your little wings flipped out through the wing wholes. For a moment the entire wing was visible as you grabbed Keigos face. Leaning down and kissing him deep. The world spinning as you used every ounce of life force you had stored. Hand over his heart, it was barley beating. Suddenly it was galloping. Blood dripped from the corner of your mouth but you didn't care. "Keigo..." you said as you tried to sit up.
       Dabi grabbed your shoulders as he pulled up. "What did you do?" He said looking at you worriedly.
       You shook your head as you gasped trying to breath. Wrapping your hand in his shirt. "Poison... kid.... not right... don't trust." You shook as you tried to think. "Called me... subject number... infected.... something."
      "Then I'll just kill the kid." Dabi said flat faced. Looking at Keigo who seemed to just be dozing. "He tried to kill Kei."
      "Needles... fingers... tracker... hunting."
      Dabi growled as he nodded his understanding before slinging you over his shoulder. He looked down at the punctures at your neck. "Think he injected a tracker?"
       You shook your head. You pulled away before anything could be injected or taken. The feathers in your wings fell out leaving just featherless nubs. "Bre...thing?" You looked at Keigo worried.
        "Yes, he's breathing." Dabi said as he caressed Keigos stubble. You smiled but it fell as your eyes dulled from glowing and you started forward into nothing as everything grew dark.
      "If you live through this little mouse I'm going to kill you. Reckless thing." You watched Dabis blue eyes fade into the darkness. You couldn't see wondering if this was what dieing was like. You tried to laugh but your lungs didn't take anything in or push anything out. Your head lulled to the side.
       "Hey hey your not allowed to make this a permanent home." Twice said in your ears.
      You couldn't life anything as it was. Why was he who you wear hearing. You felt his hand in yours. At least you thought it was his? No... you wear dieing they both had to live for you. So you had to live to. You screamed and cried and struggled even though your body wouldn't move. Your soul blind and trapped. You still had to warn Dabi and Keigo. Why wear you always in trouble!? Why couldn't you control your damn quark. The frustration was eating you up.  'I'm going back! I'm going back and going to take care of them both!'

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