Chapter 30: Moment of Normal

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(Art by Kadeart)
      You could hear your chains rattling as you moved forward. Leaving on Bakugou more then Madoryia. You looked back hearing All Might. "Hey wait for me."
     "Well come on then you were so fast earlier." You jumped a little when Madoryia pipped up.
     "Who are you talking to?"
    "Toshinori, I uh... he helped me calm down earlier." You couldn't see or hear anything for a while. You tilted you head as you then stopped having them both pull up. "Are you both ok?"
     "Ya were fucking fine. Just a hard spot to hear his name that's all." Bakugou ruffed your hair as you bristled at it.
     "Miss sparkles! Oh!!!!!! Look your an Angel now!?" You looked towards where Eirs voice came from.
      "Eri!" You smiled big, letting out an Oof as she tackled you so hard you feel backwards out of Madoryia and Bakugous hold. The chain on your neck going tight but not choking you. "I've missed you!" You hugged her lightly as you caught the wind back in your lungs.
     "Why are you wearing the blind fold?" That was Aizawa's voice he must have came too.
     "Her eyes wear bleeding from the sunlight." Madoryia said matter of factly.
     "You can go now Madoryia. She really is harmless and with me here she can't use her quark if I don't let her." Aizawa said matter of factly.
     "As long as your eyes are open ya." Madoryia said before you heard him leave.
     You sighed a little as you wear helped up. "He's... kind of a workaholic hu?"
     "Since all might died, he's taken the number one hero thing very seriously." Aizawa said as you wear lead to a bench and sat down carefully.
     "How's everyone doing? Is Ito ok?" You worried for Rin as you wrung your hands before someone grabbed them.
     "Stop. She's in the hospital but she's awake now. Tokoyami hasn't left her side not once. Everyone else is fine. Kiri is out on a mission right now. Most everyone else has been grounded that had contact with you and the bird fluff." Bakugou said as he put something in your hands. A Spoon and a cup of something. "It's pudding. You are probably hungry for more then this. But this is all they would let us bring you."
      Tears soaked the blindfold. "Thank you." You said softly. Your shoulder shaking as you smiled a little. "I.... I'm sorry I.."
     "It's ok to cry.... this... I don't know why they are treating you like this. Your not a villain... but they put you in jail and hunted you relentlessly. Don't worry you can get out of here soon." Eri said cheerfully. "Then we can go shopping and I can show you some fun things to do!"
      Your heart ached as you felt someone's hand on your shoulder squeezed. You and the person, they seemed to understand. You weren't ever getting out of this place alive. They would keep you in this cage as long as they could before you died from their tortures. "That's right Eri, I would love to go shopping again. Maybe we can get some icecream sometime. Wouldn't that be fun?" Your body shook as forced yourself to eat the pudding. It was delicious and sweet.
     You leaned in to the shoulder that helped hold you up. The hand reaching up. "Hey you have a fever. Are you ok?" Aizawa asked worriedly.
     "Sorry just... had a tantrum earlier and... my chest kind of hurts. I'm ok. I'll be fine." You said softly. "I don't... want to go back."
     "Hey dumb ass, are they not treating you right in there?" Bakugou sounded angry, really angry.
      You opened your mouth to say something when you heard the door open. "Time for some work subject Zero. Thanks for taking her on a walk." You reached out and squeezed the arm of the person closest to you. It was Aizawa, he squeezed your hand as you shook your hair and feathers standing on end as your collar was pulled. "Don't say something you will regret." Said Link.
     "I'm... im coming. Don't worry I'll... I'll be ok. Keep an eye out for... for Hawks for me. If you see him and... and his friend. Tell them I love them." You whispered to Aizawa as you whimpered before getting up as tattoos slimy and warm wrapped around you living you up. Making you walk back your head down as you waved to Eri giving her a shaky smile.
      (⚠️ Warning, this is about to get very dark. Do not read if torture or abuse triggers you ⚠️)

         When you walked out back into the lab you felt the blindfold ripped off just as your head was slammed into a table top. You hissed having turned your head sideways eyes closed. "Get up on the table bitch. Time to play, and some pay back for what the fire man did."
       You shook as you thought about fighting. Then the thought of Keigo and Dabi, they wear alive. You swear you would survive for them. You swallowed your pride as you did as told. Crawling onto the stable top face down. You cracked your eyes open but the light was to bright. It seared your eyes painfully. You closed them just to save your sight. Link laughed as your state before clapping down wrist and leg holders.
       You pulled worriedly at them. Why did he pen you down. He bent down by your ear. "Don't worry I won't be the one slicing into you today. No my boss is here today. He's going to be the one pulling you apart. I'm just here to keep you here. No one is going to come to help you. Dead or alive." He reached up and grabbed one of your wings. He laughed as you let out a little shaky gasp. "Oh... sensitive. This is going to be fun."
You ground your teeth togeather before you heard the door open. You couldn't open your eyes. It hurt to much. But you heard the man walk forward. He layed a hand on the small of your back. "Mmm finally we get to meet again subject Zero."
You whimpered as he reached up and grabbed your other wing. Clutching the table scared as you chanted in your mind everything would be fine. Keigo and Touya wear alive. You wont have to suffer long. You could do this. You would love.
You cried out as you felt the bones snap near the base of your wing before it was cut clean off. You screamed has you thrashed. "Hmmm surprisingly fragile they are. You can't even touch these much can you Link?"
Link sounded like he was amused. "Yes they are her reaper weapon besides her crystal."
"Mmmm perhaps we can infuse the escents of a weapons making quark. Think it would hold? Oh don't worry Zero. I can reattach it with my quark. It's how we used to put you back together over and over again keeping you alive anyway."
You huffed as you shook your other wing limp across your back. "Take the feathers Link all of them. We can analyze them at leisure later." You didn't even muster a scream as every feather was pluscked from your remaining wing on your back. "They will grow back I'm sure."
You squarmed as a needle was jammed deep into your spin snapping your teeth on your own hand to keep from screaming in agony. "Oh.... the spinal fluid is an interesting color."
You panted as you pulled yourself up slightly to vomit over the edge of the table. Before pressing your face into the cool metal. Thinking of all the days of freedom you had. Your heart twisting as you felt a blade pressed to your back.
"Mmmm sorry pain medications will just tamper with my samples. Or not sorry I find the sounds you make relaxing." The man said as he seemed to sound as if he was smiling. "To bad I can't take one of your eyes yet. They haven't given permission for it."
You pressed your face further into the table in agony. Tears streaked your face as you felt then drill away their samples from you back. You coughed as you felt his hands in your lungs while you struggled to breath. Time seemed to still as your body tried to eject your soul. To escape some of the pain. Instead your body and back was burned and cracked with the tattoos locking your down trapping you in hell. Broken and bleeding eventually he did sow you back up. Reattaching the wing to your body stripped of every feather you had.
At some point they changed your gown, giving you a clean one before they took you back to your cage. They reclaimed you. Giving your the luxury of sleeping on the cold hard floor since you didn't fight back to hard. Wrapped in bandages in the dark you could finally open your eyes after a while. Only to find Toshinori looking at you.
"That sounded.... Jesus what did they do to you? Can you even talk?"
You opened your mouth but ended up coughing up blood. Instead you smiled and wrote in your own blood to him. "This is my welcome back to hell." Your eyes full of tears as you started to hum the song Keigo always hummed while you wear sleeping. Shaking as you didn't even have your feather pendent. Endeavor burnt it up when he grabbed you for saying Dabis dead name.
All Might sat next to your head as he tried to comfort you the best you could as you cried yourself back into an empty sleep.

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