Chapter 8: Hospitals

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(Kadeart ❤️)

How long had it been since you fallen? Your body felt so heavy and tired you couldn't sit up. It took you a while before you remembered. What happened, and what you had done. No wonder you hurt. You had only revive five people in your life. And two of them had just happened. It always took so much out of you. It was a wonder you hadn't died from doing two at once. You rolled your head to the side feeling a tear hit your face. Looking up into Keigos face. "Don't you ever.... do that again." He whispered as he looked down at you.
You reached a shaking hand up as Keigo quickly snatched it. Holding it to his face. He relaxed as he hummed to you. You opened your mouth but horse sound came out from around the oxygen mask.
"Easy kid, don't panic. I... we made this room for you. Sorry we are in the hospital but... I made it like our home. I couldn't take you home the way you were. Your heart.... it stopped... I though.. you wear going to die." Keigo bent and kissed your forhead as he ran his fingers through your hair. "Your glow still isn't all the way back. Why didn't you tell me... tell me reviving people took your own life force."
You looked around the room a little. Your vision was still fuzzy. You noticed the warm colors and currtens covering up all the monitors. It was like laying in a canopy bed. Everything was soft and comfortable. You looked down to the foot of the bed and found Eri curled up with a blanket and pillow. You struggled trying to take the oxygen mask off but Keigo just stopped you.
"Leave it kid, your lungs are still struggling to take it in. You just came off the tubs for it. To much longer and you would have needed an oxygen tank with you everywhere. Eri tried to help but... because it was your own quark we wearnt sure she should try it. It gives her a fever when she uses it to much." He went back to petting your hair as he sat on the edge of the bed. You reached out and hugged on to his weight the best you could. Keigo half smiled as he sighed. He looked haggard, as he rubbed his chin. With his free hand along with his face.
You puffed out a breath as you looked up at him and crooked out. "Sorry."
He looked down at you shocked before letting out a little laugh. "I expected a whole lot of words to come out of you kid. But sorry wasn't the one I thought that would come out first. Don't do that again if it's going to land you on monitors for a week got me?"
You nodded as you smiled and let out a rusty laugh. The door opened to the room. Keigo didn't seem the least bit shocked. "Be quit this time Baku bro. You know screaming isn't going to wake her up any sooner."
"It was worth a fucking try. Don't give me that shit shark boy." Bakugo was bristling as Aizawa yawn walking behind them.
"Will you both settle down. Your worse then you wear as students. And some of us still have to work later." Shota Aizawa was the first to notice that Keigo and you wear both watching them. He caughed as he let out a little sigh. "She feel asleep waiting again?"
Keigo nodded as he looked at Eri. "She's a good kid. Did all her homework and read books until she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer. I know I'm not super close to you but thanks for caring for Aiko."
"Piff, you have been top of the bloody hero chart for to long. You have to have friends too. And Tokoyami said your worth the struggle. He should be back in town again soon." Aizawa shrugged as you looked at the spiky haired red guy.
You snuggled into Keigos side nervously. You felt a feather around your neck stroke your cheek. It was a new one. A little longer then the last one. You smiled struggling to take them all in. The noise was starting to hurt your head. But... this wasn't something you wear used to. Kirishima smiled and waved. "Hey there, thanks for saving my life and risking yours. Mina also appreciates it. She's dealing with other work right now though."
Bakugo tisked as he crossed his arms and glared at the floor. Until Kirishima thumps him on the shoulder. "Ya... sorry... about... blowing you up."
Your eyes widened a little before you start to laugh. Keigo smiled at you as he looked down at you. He relaxed a little even as Aizawa walked closer. "So... can this one even control her quark output? Or is she in the same boat as Eri."
You looked up at Aizawa almost shrinking into the bed. The feather still stroking your cheek. Along with Keigo's hand on your head. Your eyes closing for a moment to long it seemed. Because when your eyes opened again they wear looking worriedly at you. "Maybe easy with the Kid boys. She is still getting better."
"You know bird man... your to serious right now. It's not really like you. Well the you now. Even after you know.... getting back." Kirishima shifted uncomfortably. Before laughing a little as he sighed at Aizawas look.
Keigo sighed as he flapped his wings. Softly as he laughed. "What you talking about shark boy. It's not like the woman I cared about didn't almost die saving you from her copy. How did you end up like that again?"
"Hey watch it." Bakugo growled.
"Enough..." you wheezed as you finally had the strength to pull the mask off. "I... I'm sorry. For anything.. that girl did." You looked at them with dull glowing eyes.
"Easy kid, put the mask back on. It will be easier to breath." Keigo flit his wings worriedly as he moved to help replace it.
You looked up at him and smiled. "It's ok... I can handle this a ... little bit." You struggled to sit up. Keigo sighed and helped you.
"If it wasn't you... Well they wouldn't have been so stubborn at least. Alright kid, just let me help you up. Is there anyway to get you better?"
You laughed a little. "If... if my stones really do absorb someone's life I get better faster. But I refuse to let it happen. Not anymore." Your eyes went dark for a while in thought. The light in the room absorbed into your eyes.
"Whooo what the fuck is going on?" Bakugo grew antsy. Explosions from his hands absorbed right along with the light.
Aizawas eyes glowed and all of it stopped. Light flickering back on. You looked to his red ones. The teacher sighed as he rubbed his eyes. "I take it your quarks just as dangerous if not more so then Eri's. Hawks you really shouldn't be alone with her for long."
Keigo bristled as he rubbed your back. "It's fine."
You took a deep breath as you blinked the glow growing stronger from it. "I.... I feel better..." You looked between them all worriedly.
Bakugo huffed as he crossed his arms. "No one was hurt wear they?" He looked worriedly at Kiri who shrugged and smiled.
"Chill Baku bro. If she used that other thing. You get so weak so fast. Just like when, I don't know how to explain. Hmmmm when water rushes out of a water bottle maybe? It's all gone so quick. You don't even feel pain. That's not what happened." He tilted his head.
"No she was absorbing the life of the light. The energy and life of the quark." Aizawa sighed as he scratched his head. "Can you at least give us a place close to yours. What are you going to do when she loses control."
Keigo glared murder in his eyes. "I told you last time... I really don't need you breathing down my neck."
"Keigo... I..." your eyes water at the thought. Of a new cage but, it would be worse. Far worse to break those wings you loved. What would you do if they flew for the last time? You coughed as you struggled to breath. Keigo slipped the mask back on as you struggled before your breathing grew stable again. "I... can't... hurt you. I.... I don't want to ever.." you hicked as he pulled you into a hug. Careful off all the tubes and wires.
"You can't... you won't. I'm not going to leave you songbird." Keigo cooed to you. Cleaning your tears away with his thumb. You looked up to see the pain in his eyes. You reached up and did the same motion, even though their weren't any tears. That seemed to set him off. They welled up as he wrapped his wings around you both. Hugging you to him as you hugged him back.
Bakugo cleated his throat as Kiri sniffled. He looked at Bakugo and huffed. "What? That's manly as hell."
Bakugo tisked as he sighed. "Ya, Old man Aizawa. Cut them some slack. I'm sure we can get a house near them. Just don't want to step on the lovers turf."
"What your moving here too?" Kiri asked at Aizawa glared.
"That bitch tried you use me. Ya I'm staying, besides that weapon getting into the wrong hands... I mean no offense. But that's basically what you and Eri can be." Bakugo scratched his head. While Kiri smacked him in the gut.
You tried not to laugh at them. You pulled yourself up to kiss Keigos cheek after slightly removing the mask. Then placing it back on. As your eyes fluttered. Why was it making you so tired. You felt so much better a moment ago.
Keigo sighed as he glanced over. "Apartments you can get apartments under the building I own. My house is on the top floor. Just... bring those who can protect her. It's not a cage you hear me. So help me I will kill everyone who makes it like it is." Your eyes slid closed to long but you could still hear them. Keigos wings rustled protectively, the feel soft against your skin. Electing a sigh of relief, wear you in pain? It was hard to tell.
"We would dream of it. Because form you that's not a joke. Even after they feel.. you stay true to your word as an assassin Hawks." Aizawa sighed as the bed shifted. "And as both a teacher and vigilanty. You have my word I would never do that to her."
"Good enough. Try to be friends with her. She is a very sweet person." Keigos voice held less edge then it did before.
"That I can agree with." Aizawas words where the last you wear to grasp onto before nothingness took over.

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