Chapter 31: Visitor

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(From the anime 🥰 ⚠️warning some of this may be triggering has to do with the eye⚠️)
           You managed to sit up and drag yourself to and from the little whole that was your toilet. It opened only when you pressed a button. The rest of the time you spent curled in a ball when not being tortured with in an inch of your life. The council agreed for them to take an eye. As long as it was preserved and reattached with in the day.
        You lay on the ground crying with your hand over your empty socket when the door opened. Luckily you managed to close the socket so no one could see it. You looked up with your one good eye. At Madoryia of all people. Shaking pale and weak. He looked down at you as if he was in pain himself.
     "What.... this.... they said they wouldn't...." he crouched down next to you. "Are you..."
       You smiled at him as you reached up and roughed his hair. "It's ok... they will put it back in when they finish all fine hopefully." You stayed laying down. The pain was to much to handle upright. "Are you alright?"
       He shook his head as he looked at your hair. Matted with blood. "I wanted... to ask if maybe... All Might wouldn't mind talking to me.. through you... but... now I'm worried your..."
     "I already know. It's... ok how's everyone else? And he talks about you a lot you know. Like your his own son. He's so proud and worried for you." You blinked as you noticed the little flower in his hand. "Is that?" You voice hitched ash you turned your head to cough.
"It's for you. You haven't been allowed outside for a week or so. I thought maybe you would like it. It's been hell trying to visit. They have a ton of red tape up now. If I wasn't the number one hero... they wouldn't have let me in at all. I can see why now though. This is unethical even if you are actually a villain. Hawks.... he's lost it, he and the flame villain Dabi... have been taking out anyone and everyone who leave this building. I don't know how they know your here. But I'm supposed to stop them."
You started to cry as you tried to sit up. You featherless wings flapping at their names. "I... thank you...."
Madoryia nodded as he helped you sit up against a wall. His face grew more sat as you smiled to happily at the little white flower. It wasn't anything special just a daisy. But in this cold and painful world it was a treasure. That's when you noticed it, a little downy red feather on Midoryia's arm. It was so very small he probably didn't notice it. You wanted to to reach for it but stopped yourself. Madoryia nodded as he smiled a little at your happy face. "They are feeding you right? Giving you water?"
You shrugged as you looked at him with your one eye. "They have been making something gross and jamming a feeding tub down my throat to feed and water me. It's like they used to do when I was growing up. I've only seen the outside world for a few I suppose months."
"What?" His face paled. "You have to be lieing they said you wear raised by All for One. As evil as they come and often trick people with a sweet personality into doing your bidding."
You coughed as you tried not to laugh. "No... I've never known my father. All I know is that... when I was five I lived with my mother. She always kept us hidden until they came. She died and I... I ran to the woods to hide. They found me because I glow like a glow stick. And ever since this was all I knew. Until my hero came and saved me. Gave me a home and love, all that I never knew I wanted or needed in life was that and freedom. He will always be my wings of freedom, and then... I was taken by the league nearly killed for my father. But.... my wonderful blue flames protected me in his own way there. Helped me anyway he could. Even if I felt like a leech sometimes. He loves me too, and I love him. It's a big family I never wanted to lose." Madoryia seemed more shaken up but the fact that your body language and state of being said you wear to tired to make up lies.
That's when the door opened and the man who tortured you walked in. You found out his name was Stine Zuker. His brown hair slicked back silver narrow glasses perched on his nose. His blue eyes snapping to Madoryia as he gave him a dashing smile. "Deku, it's good to see you. Bakugou said he has the perimeter set up. But you can stay and watch this if you want. I'm just going to put her eye back in.  Then we are going to do an ultra sound. Since the chemical make up of her blood has changed since she was last in custody."
       Madoryia looked confused. "What do you mean?" He stepped back as you set the flower on the ground. Just before Stine slammed the button you helped as the chains tightened hanging you painfully from the ceiling. You tried to kick but you wear to feeble now to land anything. Madoryia glared angry at how you wear treated as you shook violently in fear of this man.
      "Oh it's wonderful, I'll show you just a moment. Now don't move or this will hurt more then it needs to little villain." The man couldn't keep the amusement out of his voice. "Your just scum but useful scum." He walked over with a jar your eye looking back at you. In a quick movement he had the lid off and your socket pried open. Silver threads connecting the tissues before the eye was pulled back into your head. It burned so much you couldn't help the horse scream that came from your throat. You panted as you closed your eye. The  Iris once more glowing as it was back where it belonged. "We tried to implant trackers in that or a camera nothing working. It all failed miserably. Whatever allows her to see the other side breaks the equipment." He said with a smile.
       Madoryia looked like he was going to vomit just watching that. You hung your head tiredly to the side. Ready for this to be over so you could rest some more. "That.... looked like it hurts..." Madoryia said shakily.
     "Oh it does, she can't use that eye for a few days or she won't be able to see out of it anymore. Now for the ultrasound. I've suspected it for a while. It was clear she would have experienced many things once escaping. And being a degenerate of corse that would be one of the things. Why else would they come to kill." Stain sliced over the front of your gown. Not even caring if Madoryia was comfortable seeing you naked or not.
    The number one hero was so shy he looked away instinctively as the equipment was set up. Then you saw it on the monitor and went still. Madoryia too looked at the monitor in shock. While Stine smiled brightly. "We need to up your nutrient intake. You are incubating two new little specimens for us. The council won't let me slice them out of you now. They want them fully developed and ready for their program. Seeing how who the father most likely is. But they look a month or two old. Awww not old enough to tell the genders yet."
     Madoryia looked at you as you watched the monitor and cried hard. The little downy feather you watched fall to the white floor. From the corner of your eye. "Your..... a mother?" He said in shock. From the way you looked it was also a shock to you.
     "If you want to call her that. I was going to breed her to another specimen eventually. But this, this is perfect. The former number two what a fine choice of partner. Or could it be that villain who's the father. So many possibilities they are just not far along enough to tell which it is. I suppose we won't know until they are in the world. Of corse this doesn't mean I have to stop my experiments just go about it a bit different." The chains lowered you to the floor with a button. "Come hero Deku, let's go see to the protections.
      When you hit the floor you grabbed the flower. But also snagged the feather before anyone noticed. You cried into the feather when they left. "Keigo..... Touya..." you didn't even know if it was his or not. You wear just so happy to see a red feather. "I love you." You said softly as you slowly passed out. The feather stroked your fingers softly. As if to be reassuring. You smiled and let the darkness swallow you as your curled protectively around your middle. They would come for you, you would be home soon. Everything you could handle until then.

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