Chapter 2: Help form a Friend

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Startled as you feel the air stop flowing you wake up from your nap. Only to look at a small modern building. How much time had past? It was so bright out now. Turning your head into his chest to hide your glowing eyes. It hurt, being in the dark for to many years. Weak arms trembling as they hung on to his shirt. You didn't even know if you wear going from one version of hell to another.
"Easy Kid, this is just one of my safe houses. No need to be scared. No one is going to hurt you here." Keigo smiled a little as you peeked your at him.
Letting go of his shirt with one hand you tried to run your eyes. But a feather shaded them for you. Your body relaxed with your eyes in the shadows it didn't hurt so bad. Trying to opening your mouth a horse sound came out but still. Frowning in frustration you nodded understanding. Feathers, they wear so soft. Just like the leather coat.
"Alright, so the light was hurting you. I'll get you some sunglasses made. Sorry kid, it took so long for someone to find you. You've been through a lot. Maybe I'm not the best person to have found you. But no one else could. At least they didn't turn you into a Nomu. Granted you wear all the way in America. I don't think the league has that much reach yet." Keigo opened the doors and waved to the front staff. Hiding you in his wings. "Morning Aiyo." He said to a beautiful receptionist. Before headed to an elevator towards the penthouse.
You couldn't help looking over his shoulder in curiosity. Their wear so many thing you had seen in so long. Plants, and paintings. Different colored walls, marble flooring. It was grand but also quant. Sitting up in his arms so you could look him in the eyes. You looked at him in curiosity. Tilting your head to the side.
Keigo coughed a little a flushed as he gave you a smirk. "Hey hey now, who said you could be so cute? Kids I know you don't want to see a doctor but can I call a hero instead then? You really need help. I can't heal people. But I know someone who can."
You furrow you're eyebrows before slowly nodding. You didn't want him to worry, and you wear so used to all the pain constantly. You hardly noticed anymore.
Keigo gave a smiled as he nodded. "Alright, then are you hungry?" He walked into the apartment. It was much the same style as the building itself. Modern but warm. Taking you into the kitchen he carefully set you down in a chair. "I already called them anyway. When I, lost my own quark for a bit. They gave it back to me and made me good as new."
You tilted your head the other way in question. How did you lose your quark? Did that really happen? Your eyes widened as he got some fruit out of the fridge and started to cut up some apples for you. After setting some juice on the table in front of you. One sip and you couldn't seem to stop. It was apple juice but still. It was delicious.
"Easy kid, if you eat to fast you will give yourself a stomachache." He chuckled as he shook his head. "I told you my hero name but. When you can talk just call me Keigo. My name is Keigo Tamaki."
Nodding your head you furrow your brows again. Curling into the chair. When he slid over the cut up fruit you smiled brightly. Not even realizing Keigo had kept the lights off just for you. So your eyes wouldn't hurt you. His own seemed to see just fine with out them.
He looked up at you when you smiled. His eyes widened. Before giving you just as warm a smile back. Your eyes searched his face wondering what he was thinking when someone knocked on the door.
Jumping at the sound you cling to the island table with a hand as you stood on wobbly legs. Ready to bolt at anytime. Only relaxing when you felt the feather from earlier brush your cheek. You looked to Keigo as he walked around to the front. "It's ok, I called them a while ago. They are probably already here."
You nodded but still, try to be ready. You didn't know if these people wanted to take you apart too. Before putting you back together bit by bit. Looking down at your rainbow opal scares. You didn't even notice the whimper that escaped your lips. But Keigo did, he looked back at you with sympathy.
Opening the door, a scruffy looking man with black hair and a scar under his eye frowned. Rubbing his stubble as he looked to Keigo. "Why is it so dark in here?"
"Light hurts her eyes, thanks for comeing Aizawa. I know your busy just like the rest of us."
A little girl with long white hair braided back. A small horn on one side of her head. Her eyes brighten as she looked at your glowing body. She seemed to notice you first. "Whoooooo so pretty!" She cried out as she pulled her little hand from Aizawas. Sprinting over to look at you.
"Eri! She doesn't know you get. You have to be careful." Aizawa sighed as he walked inside. He practically towered over Keigo and yourself. But he wasn't wearing a lab coat. So your shoulders relaxed as you smiled down at Eri. Reaching out slowly to ruffle her hair. A blush creeping on your face. Was this even real?
Keigo sighed in relief as he pulled his wings in closer to his back. "Oh good, she doesn't scare you. Was worried you might have a panic attack." He pulled off his coat and throw it in a chair next to yours. "Want anything to drink Aizawa? I know I told you about her some on the phone. But still, you might scare her."
"It's fine and coffee would be fine if you have any. Eri just don't get carried away." He walked over but stayed a good distance away. "Can't believe you flew over seas with the equivalent of a nuclear bomb in your arms birdbrain." Aizawa was looking you over from head to toe. His frown deepening.
"Ya well, I couldn't leave her there either. You have no idea what they did to her." Keigo was warming up the coffee pot. Watching you from the corner of his eye with Eri.
Your distracted as you let go of the counter you fall to the floor. Your eyes widen as you hit the ground hard. Everyone seems to jump and look worried. But your so happy you can't help it. Your smiling and laughed with sound. Forgetting that you had food to eat of you wanted it.
Eri starts to giggle with you as she smiled rubbing your hair like you did hers. "Are you ok? I'm going to try and make you all better alright?" Before you can nod her horn is glowing.
Slowly you feel all your wounds from before rewinding. Your rewound until you can speak again. Before the glowing stops. Many of your scars are still their but as you open your mouth your eyes widen as sound comes out. A beautiful angel like voice, rich with sound. You hadn't heard yourself in so long you start to cry. "Thank you." Your shoulder shaking with joy.
Eri nodded as she continued to pet your head looking at Aizawa. "Dad... I... I can't rewind her more. She will end up a kid like me if I do more."
"It's ok Eri you did good. Want some fruit?" Keigo had walked around to make sure you wear ok. While Aizawa was talking to Eri. Handing her a Carmel apple with a smile. Eri squeezed in glee.
Keigo lifted you back up into a chair as you blinked at him. "Hey kid, you sound as pretty as a song bird." When you smile the others seemed to as well. Even Aizawa gave a small one. Purring his coffee into a cup. "Beautiful like one too." Keigo said under his breath as he encouraged you to eat. Everything was looking up for you as your heart fluttered like a caged bird looking at Keigos smile.

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