It wasn't a bubble bath or anything. I doubt if Angelo has anything that makes bubbles but it does smell like citrus salts.

After the warm water soothes some of the pain between my legs, I wrap myself in a towel and brush my teeth using the brush I used last night and use the silk robe hanging at the bathroom door to cover my shame before walking out and down to the living room.

Coco was asleep on his new doggie bed and I have no idea if he was fed or not.

Damn, kill me if my dog needs to eat.

"Signora?" The hear the voice from last night.

Turning, I come in face to face with the man who was supposedly my guard.


"Hey." I nodded, crossing my arms over my chest. "Did you know if Coco was fed-"

"He was given food, yes." The man says in a clipped tone. "The good bag is in the bottom cabinet, if you'd wish to feed him more."

I nodded and turned back to look at my mutt, curled up in his blue doggie bed, sleeping.

Lazy ass.

He was only a baby at barely one year old, my little Coco. I pat his head and he cowers tucking his head between his paws and snores away.

"When would like the car ready for your outing, Signora Ariel." I hear.

"At one, please." I mumbled. "And- would you be kind to have someone pick up my clothes from the apartment?"

"Your belongings are in the way, as we speak, Signora." He says.

"Thank you." I said standing up with a sigh.

The guard nods and walks away to wherever as I walk into the kitchen, for a bottle of cold water to quench my thirst.

A quarter to one, the car halted at the parking if the village inn as the bald bearded man got out of the driver's seat and opened my door for me, even though I am capable of doing that on my own.

"Thank you, Bertie." I smiled at the guy as I got down with Coco on my arms and placed him on the floor.

He was called Alberto Ricci. Or as I wanted to call him, Bertie.

Turned out he wasn't a creep. Why? He loves classical, music.

The one I dance ballet to.

I mean, creeps don't like that.

"Your welcome, Signora." The man nodded without a smile as a valet walked to the pair of us.

Bertie handed him the keys to the underground car park as we made our way to the dining area, stopped in the middle by a worker.

"I am sorry, ma'am but pets aren't really allowed-"

"Capo Bestone's lady, miss." Bertie answered for me.

"Right, the women dressed in navy suit-skirt stepped away as Bertie followed behind of me as I spotted Blaire on of the chairs.

"Coco!" She squealed getting up and bending to scratch the mutt's ears and rub his head. "I misses you little pup."

Blaire sat back up as Bertie took Coco and walked to another table.

"You have a pinch in your arse to" Blaire pouts. "I don't like him. Looks scary, downright serial killer."

"Are you okay?" I ask. "You aren't in shock or something are you, babe?"

"Nwah." Blaire waves me away. "I ain't getting shocked cause some cock sucker decided oh what fun it would be to rail them bedroom windows with bullets. Asshole."

The Under Boss's Ballerina [18+]Where stories live. Discover now