[m] s e o n g j o o n g

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this one shot has now been made a book !! it's called 'devil' and i've uploaded a few chaps. you should totally go read it ;)

type : smut
top : seonghwa
bottom : hongjoong

prompt : in which angel hongjoong is walking through the garden of youth recollecting thoughts on a task he has to complete on earth, but he just so happens to get stopped mid thought by an intruding and cunning devil named park seonghwa, who has only lust filled, menacing intentions with the angelic, blonde and innocent younger male.

————————————— 3rd POV —————————————

nervous. that's all he was: nervous. an angelic boy strode around the grounds of heaven, his soft, cherry red plump lips were pursed as he thought, glancing occasionally away from the path, his icy blue eyes actively seeking out something else to focus on. alas, he couldn't. his mind was stuck on the same track, constantly on loop, racing around. he had tried to clear his mind again prior to the new attempt, in the great hall of eden where god would feast with his angels; that had failed in calming him too as it made him think more of what he had to do and where he was going. that was why he had chosen to go to the garden of youth. the petit 5'6" male used his small hands to carefully hold up his white, flowing robes to keep them off the ground, carefully walking along the path, his pretty and pastel daisy chain helping his blonde hair to stay out of his face; his mullet tickling his neck too , not uncomfortably though, it was a cosy sensation.

hongjoong found somewhere shortly to admire the nature and his surroundings, it was a quieter area than where the other angels were: it was just him, flowers and wildlife. now in the garden of youth, hongjoong smiled peacefully , letting his lips melt from the cold, thin line they were once in- watching deers sip from the enchanted lagoon and occasionally glancing at the hummingbirds flying together, bumblebees nuzzling into flowers, bunnies playing in the longer grass and squirrels eating an assortment of berries together. it was a pleasant sight and he enjoyed watching them. now that he was in the garden, he could think more peacefully for himself, going back in his memories to what he was nervous about earlier- feeling slightly relieved now he was alone.

hongjoong's task was to go to the human world the gods looked over, known as "earth" and he had a task to be a primary school teacher and uni student, as a disguise, to view human life and make sure all was well and peaceful where he would be staying : seoul, south korea. the gods weren't sending him for a casual catch up, oh no it was rather the opposite, hongjoong was one of the best angels and spies out there- he was one of god's right hand men, he had never let them down; he was well respected and well known, everybody loved joong. so his task came around because they had received intel that a powerful devil, park seonghwa had infiltrated and passed the barriers put up by angels. it was going to be his job to find him, he would be sharing an apartment with a human , named hwaseong - nickname mars. mars ,hongjoong believes, would be clueless because he had an advertisement for a roommate, and hongjoong being the same age, was an easy to believe student with a part time teacher job, which would allow him to successfully get away with lodging cheaply without human suspicion. hopefully that way he could find where park seonghwa was staying in those parts of seoul and bring peace upon the human land once again as soon as possible. he was commanded to leave by sunrise tomorrow, the two hour journey leaving him enough time to pretend to mars he was travelling. he had enough training with technology and phones so he wouldn't seem like a weirdo or out of place, so he was confident in that area of his job.

deciding to gaze over the lagoon for a while longer, taking in the sight he would not be able to have for much longer, hongjoong sighed. he'd miss this place; it was beautiful. plus, he had to make new friends and leave his old ones for now, saying goodbye to wooyoung, san, yunho, mingi, yeosang and jongho was always the hardest- they were his closest thing to family.

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