[f] m i n j o o n g

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type : fluff

prompt : another session in the studio writing lyrics , just mingi and hongjoong cuddling up with each other , comforted by one another's company - happy to have alone time working together .

—— mingi pov ——

walking down the corridor to the studio, i had a smile playing on my lips - knowing what to expect when i went into my working area.

today eden said that we should work on the lyrics for a new song , preferably by ourselves , so fans could see our raw emotions and thoughts from purely members in the group. which i happily accepted as i've never had a reason to deny song writing as it's always been a thing i'm extremely passionate about.

plus, i'm sure my boyfriend has no problem with it too.

thinking of him right now caused a big grin to appear on my face , knowing how excited he'll be to work with me today.

as me and hongjoong are the rappers and producers of the group, we used to work together all the tome to produce songs, we still do. and through that, we fell in love.

hongjoong's such a beautiful person, i couldn't be happier with him.

turning the corner, i put in the pin to the door lock, hearing a gentle click- allowing me to push the door open, stepping inside gently, closing the door again behind myself.

taking my jacket off as i glanced around the studio, i placed it to the side on the table , finally seeing hongjoong, his concentrated face showing from his side angle, his nose scrunched up cutely, cheeks puffed out slightly as he pouts.

cooing at the sight i walked over, knowing he was busy, headphones on so he probably couldn't hear me , so i didn't want to make much noise , i decided to just gently wrap my arms around him from behind , leaning down and pecking his cheek softly.

jumping slightly in my embrace, hongjoong slightly moved his head to the side to see who it was, realising it was me after the kiss, his smile brightening , quickly removing his head phones and placing them on the table before wriggling out of my hold and standing up from his chair, still obviously only reaching my chest.

"minnie baby !!" hongjoong beamed with a happy smile, wrapping his arms around my waist, nuzzling into my chest shortly after. "you surprised me, silly!! i'm glad you're here, i'm working on a bridge of the new song we can write some stuff for" he added, sounding a tiny bit muffled because his face was still against my chest.

fondly looking down at him i wrapped my arms around him in return , placing more gentle kisses on the top of his head before responding.

"sorry sweetheart, didn't mean to scare you but hiya~ well done, i'm proud of you, let's get working then, hm?" i said gently, kissing his forehead once he glanced up at me.

nodding at my suggestion he smiles cheekily, pulling away and poking his tongue out at me before turning away and getting the other office chair to go next to his, allowing them to both work on lyrics together and stay close.

i sat down on the other one he was on, putting my headphones on and then placing my hand on his thigh, smiling over at him.

"baby play what we have to work with" i request, smiling down at him.

turning pink at my constantly flow of affection joong nodded , turning to the computer, selecting a certain file before pressing play, biting his lip nervously- awaiting my response.

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