[m] j o n g s a n g

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type : smut
top : jongho
bottom : yeosang

prompt : "this is how i feel about you twilight"

—— 3rd pov ——

finishing up another rehearsal jongho turned around , looking back to the others- smiling slightly.

"should we finish with one last song?" he spoke softly, a little tired but still wanting to continue to sing.

nodding in response, hongjoong stood up, walking over to the computer, readjusting his tote bag on his shoulder, clicking on a song after a while of deciding- the background music for "twilight" began to play softly out of the speakers, a relaxing and soft environment for practise.

stepping away from the computer, hongjoong put on his bucket hat, yawning tiredly as he waddled to seonghwa, sleepily resting his head on the taller's chest. combing through his hair, seonghwa looked at hongjoong with a fond smile and then glanced up at jongho- quickly interrupting his warm ups again.

"jjong we're going to head home now, yeosang will be the only other one here i think but he's eating right now with woo- but on my way out i'm grabbing him too because san wants to play videogames with him but the dummy left his phone at home. is that ok?" seonghwa spoke softly, now holding hongjoong in a gentle hug, swaying lightly with him.

nodding, jongho looked at the couple , crossing his arms.

"will yeosang be practising or not? i just want to practise vocal ranges , 'ts fine if i end up doing it by myself" he replied to seonghwa, smiling.

nodding, seonghwa slowly pulled away from hongjoong, holding the younger's hand, slowly walking towards the door because hongjoong was so sleepy.

"i'm sure he will be practising, you know he wouldn't leave you alone in the studio, he's your friend after all" seonghwa smiled, now waving jongho goodbye, hongjoong mumbling out a little goodbye too before they both left, presumably back to the dorms.

sighing to himself, jongho went over to the computer, starting the song from the beginning- he was kind of hoping yeosang would have gone home too.

not with any harsh intent, it's just- he had a crush on the older and knew his feelings most likely weren't reciprocated and twilight.. well.. the lyrics .. reminded him of the elder, and that's what he was rehearsing.

knowing yeosang would be a while probably eating, he began to sing along to the lyrics , his voice effortlessly smooth and stable - swaying slightly as he sung meaningfully into the microphone; thinking of a special someone as he sang.

"come up, get in the waves
i mean,even if it's time consuming
.. this wonderful moment
i'll keep it, i feel your scent coming.
the atmosphere is ripe,
i feel like i'm about to burst.
i don't want to get rid of this ecstatic moment.
when you and i are together
infinity multiplies-
i'll go into your memories inside you,
i remember clearly..
even fog can't break this memory"

whilst jongho sang, he thought back to moments he shared with just yeosang, from little moments in the dorm to deep, meaningful conversations and memories..

soon when the vibe of the song changed, his mind began to think less softly of yeosang, his heart racing when he got to the lyrics "i'll go into your memories inside you" he thought back to the time he walked in on yeosang changing, the way his cheeks turned red: the way he quickly covered himself up.

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