[m] s e o n g j o o n g p t . 1

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type : smut
top : seonghwa
bottom : hongjoong

prompt : in which seonghwa is practising dance and hongjoong is wrapping up a work session in a studio , walking by the practise room - noticing seonghwa , getting intrigued to what he's doing; later on in the evening they get a little .. distracted.

——— 3rd pov ———

sighing gently, finishing up in his studio; hongjoong placed his headphones down on the desk- arranging their papers in order , rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"fuck" hongjoong whispered to himself, knowing he was going to have to stay here a little longer , waiting for seonghwa to finish.

other than that, he didn't mind but he was truly tired so without much thought he slung his tote bag over his shoulder - opening the studio door and then walked down the corridor, tiredly running a hand through his hair. he wasn't necessarily focusing on anything but he was just zoning out until he heard the faint background music ; looking at the door down the hallway, a faint light peeking out through the black out curtains.

speeding up his walking pace, his doc martens adding a little stepping sound effect too - hongjoong reached the end of the hallway, noticing said door was slightly open.

pushing it open a little more , he peeked around it , looking through to hear what was going on, the sight in front of him making his heartbeat increase and breath hitch.

seonghwa, dancing to 'The Eve' by exo , his skin glistening in the light as a small layer of sweat sat on top, wearing a tank top and cargo trousers, face contorted in concentration. to hongjoong, he looked more than hot... like so much more.

just looking at him making hongjoong gulp, trying to process what he was actually watching.

seonghwa's body flowed smoothly to the beat, not getting a single move wrong, his body rolling so sinfully at the chorus, making him look so many different things.. hot, angelic, beautiful and lustful.

pursing his lips, hongjoong opened the door a little more to take a peek at seonghwa's dance, feeling his jeans getting slightly tighter, rubbing his thighs together out of need; realising this was a bad time for his body to react in such a way; knowing what would happen if he was caught, seonghwa would never speak to him again. they were only friends, nothing more, nothing less. seonghwa showed some affection to hongjoong but in scarce amounts, only when in front of cameras or when they were alone in their room. but for hongjoong, he had feelings for the other- his heart racing even at the mention of seonghwa's name: but hongjoong couldn't let him know as they were close friends and he wasn't willing to risk it just yet.

but in situations like this, he wished he didn't have a crush, he wished his body wouldn't react in such needy ways.


as seonghwa was doing the chorus, totally into the song, he opened his eyes for a split second , facing the wall with the door, seeing something their briefly.

glancing over, he saw a small figure peeping in , watching.

recognising the hair colour, seonghwa smirked slightly to himself- aware of hongjoong watching. so to test said waters and act riskily in a "safely excusable moment" he thrust his hips in the air a little more, emphasising his hip and body rolls, tilting his head to the side with a lustful expression, purposefully angling himself so hongjoong could witness all of this, wanting for it to affect him.

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