Chapter 44- Season 2

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"No, I came here to see Charlie." I responded. Ryder pointed inside his room where Charlie was sitting on the bed, munching happily on a wafer. He also looked freshly showered just like Ryder.

Charlie's eyes snapped towards me and he stood up immediately which caused him to wince and he slowly walked towards us, his legs almost giving out.

What the hell did Ryder do to him?

I don't even want to imagine.

Ryder was next to his mate in an instant, supporting him.

"Are you okay Charlie?" I asked him worriedly.

"Yes Luna." He mumbled shyly. He was not able to meet my gaze and focused on the half eaten wafer in his hand.

"Umm, actually I wanted to deal with Savannah and Grace in your presence but now I see that you are not in the condition to accompany me." I ran my gaze over Charlie and saw him covered with love marks. My cheeks reddened as I remembered the marks gracing my own skin which thankfully were hidden by my high neck, full sleeves top.

"I can still come with you Luna. I am alright." Charlie said and was ready to leave the room but Ryder grabbed his waist, stopping him from doing so.

"No angel. You are not in a condition to walk around. Be a good boy and go back to bed. We can deal with those two tomorrow. You can't even stand properly." Ryder said, caressing his mate's cheeks, removing the crumbs sticking at the corner of his mouth. I just rolled my eyes at his display of affection.

"And whose fault is that?" Charlie snapped at Ryder but got an arrogant smirk in return.

"All mine, baby." Came Ryder's smug reply after planting a kiss on his mate's lips.

"I hope you understand, Berry." Ryder turned his attention to me. I nodded at him.

"Yes, I do. Take care of Charlie and try not to assault him again." I gave him a stink and left. I could hear Ryder chuckling and Charlie whining at him in embarrassment.

I started missing my mate so I decide to join him in his office.

When I entered his office, I saw him having a serious talk on his landline. My mate looked distressed. I walked towards him and wrapped my arms around his torso after he ended the phone call.

My mate wrapped his arms around me and sways from side to side. We remained in that position until we heard a clearing of throat that came from the open door of the office. we pulled away from each other when my mate's parents entered.

"Why do you look so disturbed, son?" mother asked, worry clear in her voice. my mate looked at his mother and then his father before replying.

"Those demons demolished a whole pack overseas." A gasp left my lips and mother and father looked shocked to the core.

"What?" his father asked in disbelief.

"They destroyed a whole pack father. No one survived. The neighboring pack contacted us. I just got off the phone with Adam. The pack that was attacked asked to be released from under our rule twenty years ago. All the packs did this. Now, all the remaining packs are requesting to sign a treaty with us." My mate said.

"Then you'll have to leave for those packs. Treaty cannot be signed without your presence." His mother stated.

"They are getting stronger day by day, mother. We don't have the time to visit all these packs to provide them protection." My mate stated.

"Then what do you have in mind?" his father asked.

"We will bring everyone here. I know this is dangerous but we have to take the risk."

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