Judge Me As A Hero

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I walk into the dining room with Mari following behind me. Counter to what she claims I can tell she's nervous. I ache to reach out and hold her hand, but we're in front of my family and that probably wouldn't be the best idea.

"Father." I greet as I sit down.

"Damian." He nods his head in greeting before turning to Mari. "I've heard we have a lot to talk about, Miss. Dupain-Cheng." He acknowledges her with an eyebrow raise.

"Yes, sir. I think we do." I pull out her chair for her as I remember her hands are injured. She winces as she sits down.

"Are your injuries alright, Marinette?" Dick asks with concern having clearly seen her wince.

"Hmm? Oh, yes. They're fine. Thanks for the concern, but we have more pressing issues." I look over at her. What is she doing?

"You see, Monsieur Wayne, I was actually using this trip to see if I could find you." She continues to calmly eat as my entire family tenses, getting ready for an attack.

"Paris has been under attack for almost 3 years. I've tried everything I can think of to find and stop him, but I'm not a detective." She shrugs nonchalantly but her face gives away her frustration.

"Can you please explain more about what you know?"

"Wait, she's a superhero?"

"So that's why she could beat me in an arm wrestling match!"

She points her fork at Tim with a bored look on her face, "No. I beat you because I'm strong and you underestimated me." I grin at Tim, Mari's the best. God, I really like her.

"There is a supervillain in Paris that is using a Miraculous incorrectly to prey on civilians' negative emotions." She explains cautiously.

"What's a Miraculous?" Jason asks in between bites of food.

"Erm, it's kind of like, umm, it's a god trapped in a piece of jewelry that when worn gives you special abilities." She stutters out. I can't even blame her for being nervous about this one. Even I'm having a hard time believing her.

"Could you repeat that a bit slower? I'm not sure I heard you correctly." I ask quietly though it stands starck against the silence of the room.

"A miraculous is a god trapped in a piece of jewelry that when worn gives you special abilities."

"And can anyone wear a miraculous?" Dick questions Marinette, like an excited puppy. I can't deny that I'm a little curious too.

"Anyone can, but if your personality doesn't match up with your chosen miraculous correctly it can be dangerous to wear for more than 5 hours." She explains lightly.

"Huh, forgive me for being rude, but do you have any proof? Why should we believe you?" Bruce asks harshly.

Marinette just sighs heavily like the conversation was actively draining her energy, "Tikki, you can come out now."

"Hi! I'm Tikkie! It's nice to meet you!" Chaos erupts almost instantly. Jason started choking on the food he was in the middle of eating and had to hit his chest a couple of times for the coughing to subside.

"Awwwwww! She's so cute."

"How is she flying?"

"What is she?"

"Well okay then."

"Don't worry about me. I'm fine." Jason states with snark.

"Oops sorry, Jay. Are you okay?" A literal angel that's what she is. Jason's face relaxes slightly.

"Yeah yeah. I'm fine Pixie. What does your mentor say about your situation?" He asks curiously. We all turn to look at her. She seems to be getting more and more uncomfortable.

"Um... would it be bad if I said I don't have a mentor? I mean there was Master Fu, but he never really helped or trained me. He was just the Guardian of the Miraculous and the one to choose me to save Paris."

"Was?" Bruce asks not unkindly. I'm still on guard, this might not be the best thing to bring up especially since he might have died.

"Master Fu was found out and had to pass on his role as a guardian to me. He lost all his memories due to this and currently has no clue who I am. Before you say anything, don't worry, the miraculous are safe." That's what she thinks we're worried about?

"Miss. Dupain-Cheng do you know how irresponsible of him it was for him to just drop all of that responsibility on you?"

"Master Fu did the best with the time and resources he had and I would say I'm not that bad of a hero. So, he couldn't have screwed up too badly." She argues angrily, clearly, this was a touchy subject.

"Your injured hands, broken rib, a fractured cheekbone, and permanently damaged eye that say differently."

"Excuse me? I got this injured without my miraculous fighting multiple of your villains by myself! You didn't even show up until after I passed out. Which, sure, maybe I could have been stronger, but I wasn't able to use my miraculous because I was surrounded by villains! You don't get to judge me as a hero, you have no idea what I've been through." She stands straight up knocking her chair out of the way she stalks out of the room.

I stand up to follow her, but am stopped by a hand on my shoulder, "Damian." I look up into my father's cold blue eyes.

"Without disrespect father, you fucked up." I coldly jerk my arm out of his hand and walk away. I quickly make my way through the long hallways towards the guest room I know she's staying in.

Knocking on the door lightly before opening it I peer inside, relieved to see her figure standing on the balcony. "Damian? Do you think I'm a bad hero?" Shocked at what she was saying I made my way over to her, looking over the Wayne garden.

"No. Of course not, you're one of the best I know. Why would you even ask that?" She sighs quietly as she slips her hand into mine.

"I've had the miraculous since I was 13. I got it only weeks after my birthday. I wasn't prepared. I made a lot of mistakes and I still haven't caught the supervillain yet."

"You could be worse. You could be like my father and have your villains escape imprisonment every single week. It's a wonder the citizens haven't lost faith in our ability to put villains away for life. don't take what my father said to heart. He doesn't understand emotions very well." She snorts in amusement and my face heats up.

"Thanks Damian, but your Dad has a point. I don't know what I'm doing and I never have. That's why I told you guys about Paris." She stands on the tip of her toes and kisses my cheek, "I'm going to go find him and apologize. I'll see you later."

She walks away like it's nothing and I'm left standing there wondering what the actual fuck just happened?

Authors note
Thank you all for always being so supportive, I figured this chapter disserved some cuteness! I'm so grateful to everyone that reads my story, you're all the best!

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