Curse my anger and competitive streak

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This day was just not going my way. First Tikki decided she had to share some depressingly true story about the comb star kwami. We haven't even defeated Hawkmoth yet, and now I have to deal with a psychotic God? No thank you.


"It's time I tell you about the comb star kwami Venena."

"The what? I thought we were only missing two miraculi?" I ask hesitantly, put off by the grim expression engraved on her small face.

"I thought so too, until your confrontation with the Riddler. Some of her energy was on him, I could sense it when he got close."

"Ok. So there's another kwami, do I have to save her too?" The frown on her face tightened into a reserved line.



"I said no. You don't have to save her, you have to destroy her. Venena was, no, is Plagg's sister. The only difference is Plagg had me to balance him out. Venena didn't have that luxury. For a while, we thought it would be fine if the Kwami's and guardians kept an eye on her. For years we thought she wasn't going to be a problem. Many of us were friends of hers. But there was a problem, Venena represents poison and disease and she didn't have anyone to balance her out. Wayzz helped a little with his extensive knowledge of healing, but he isn't a healing kwami. Soon Venena was out of control, almost everything had become poisonous and there was illness everywhere. My creations were dying faster than they were being made. We tried to talk her out of it, at that point in time she was just so far gone that we couldn't do anything." She took a shaky breath and her blue eyes shone with tears.

"Plagg had to cataclysm her to save all the life that was left. Despite everything Plagg loved his sister, sometimes he still has nightmares of her screams."

"Oh, my god. That's horrible, but if Plagg's cataclysm couldn't do anything, what could I possibly do? And why couldn't you sense her before?"  I felt my heart hurt at the thought of what Plagg was forced to do.

"She must've gone into hiding after she was cataclysmed. We all thought that the leftover poison and disease in the world was from the leftover energy released. If Plagg and I were to both work against her we should be able to stop her forever. It kills me inside to think about what this is going to do to him."

Present Time

How am I supposed to feel about that? I'm going to have to take Plagg from his holder and tell him to kill his sister. Tikki said she'd tell me who Chat Noir was so that I can take Plagg away tonight. The fact that I have to take him away from Chat isn't what upsets me. No, I'm actually grateful for that. He hasn't full-on harassed me, but he still doesn't stop flirting, which gets really annoying after a while. Not only that but he's been becoming less of a help and more of a liability during fights against Akuma's.

He's not a bad person, but he doesn't have what it takes to be a hero. He lacks the maturity for it, and he acts like he doesn't understand the gravity of Paris's situation. One mistake and everyone could die and they'd stay dead. I'm more upset that Plagg's going to be taken from a relatively safe environment and into this mess.

Now that you understand that I was already in a bad mood from that, you'll also understand that Lila trying to get them to leave on the bus without me and almost accomplishing her goal didn't help it. She would've actually pulled it off if I hadn't planned ahead. I was ready and waiting in the hotel lobby with Chloe an hour before everyone else just to avoid that situation.

The only good thing about this was Lila and Alya's twin glares of fury when they saw me. Then when we finally got to Wayne Enterprise for that tour we were signed up for, I'm almost immediately greeted by three giant men and a scowling Damian.

"Aww, look at how cute she is! Did this pixie really take out the Riddler?" Very condescending, but nothing I can't handle.

"She's really short with her height, it would be really difficult to pick someone of Riddler height and weight up. Are we sure she could even flip him over?" Oh he did NOT just go there. I narrow my eyes dangerously as I glare at the man with a coffee cup.

"I can assure you, sir. That I'm stronger than I appear." In my peripheral, I can see Chloe whisper something to Damian and they both get a vicious smile.

Damian moves forward confidently, "Why don't you arm wrestle her, Drake?"

"What? No? I just met her. I'm not going to arm wrestle her." He backs away to plainly add to his answer.

Curse my anger and competitive streak.  I step forward, boldly raising an eyebrow. "What's the matter? You already said how unlikely it is that I'm strong. Why not? It won't harm anyone." I stare him down until he finally relents. We quickly move toward a table and get situated. Just as I was about to reach for his hand I feel Chloe put her hand on my shoulder.

"Don't go easy on him, Mari."

"Didn't even cross my mind Chlo." I see him tense scarcely, anyone else would've missed it. I cautiously wrap my hand around his. One of the men who I recognize as Mr. Grayson crouches down by the table to watch and count us down. 3. 2. 1.

I immediately tightened my grip and pushed. I can see his arm move back slightly as he looks at it in surprise. He scooches his chair closer and looks at me with a determined grin. I smirk back slightly, I almost feel bad for taking my frustration out on him. It can't be helped.  With one last push, I've slammed his hand into the table and consequently won. 

The other brother that has yet to introduce himself is laughing, while Damian and Mr. Grayson just smile knowingly. The poor guy I beat doesn't seem to understand what just happened because he's looking at his arm muttering something about needing more coffee.

Authors note
Sorry, this one took so long. I'm staying at my Grandparent house for the week so things might be a little slower than usual. Tell me what you think, advice us always appreciated. Bye!

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