Just another hard day

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         Today was just another hard day. The only difference between today and yesterday is that I now have a lot of added stress. I found out yesterday when Miss Bustier told the class that we were going to Gotham, that we're also expected to go to the Wayne Gala at the end of our time there. I have about 2 weeks to design them before we head to Gotham. At Gotham, I'll have to use one of my free days to get fabric. A few all-nighters here and there and me and Chloe's dresses will hopefully be done in time.
         I don't mind making the dresses, in fact, I'll probably enjoy it. I just already have a lot of work to do. As class president, I have to make sure everything goes as planned in Gotham. On top of that, I have my duty as Ladybug. Not to mention normal schoolwork and my regular commissions. To say I am stressed would be an understatement, but Chloe doesn't know I'm Ladybug and I can't really blame her for wanting me to make her dress.
          She was really nice about it too making it perfectly clear that there would be no hard feeling if I was unable to make one for her. Times like these are when I really appreciate Chloe. I felt my shoulders hunch over as I thought about how little Chloe really had. I'm not talking about money or possessions even. I'm talking about platonic relationships. Her Dad's constantly trying to buy her affection since he doesn't really have the time to just be with her. Her mother's relationship with her has been getting better, but it's a long way away from being where it should be. At least I have my parents there to support me wholeheartedly.
           I shake myself free from my thoughts. The least I can do for Chloe is make her a dress for the Gala. She deserves to have something someone made just for her. Something to make her feel special and loved. I'll be the person to give her that something. With that reasoning,  I look down at my sketchbook and start working. I should be able to come up with multiple designs today the rest will be revising and perfecting them. Once I finish the designs I'll have Chloe look them over and decide which one she wants.
            Yesterday had been pretty average besides the announcement. After the Lila incident in the morning, Alya had cornered me in the locker room. Everyone was leaving for their first-class after our homeroom time was over and Chloe was already in class.
              "Just what was that little stunt you pulled this morning?!" The girl screamed getting into my face. "Lila is way prettier than you! Both inside and out! She can't help it that she was born with so many diseases! That gives you no excuse to bully her like that and in front of the whole class too." by this point Alya had backed me into a corner.
            My backs pressed against the cool wall. I try to think of something to placate the seething teen while pushing down my own anger, "I'm sorry you think I was bullying her. It wasn't my intention to upset you."  Apparently, that was not the right thing to say.
           "This Isn't about me! It never was! You're harming a perfectly nice girl out of jealousy and it's not ok! It's not Lila's fault she's friends with more famous people than you! I'll give you one last chance to say sorry." I look at the red-faced girl and see the fury in her eyes and clenched fists at her side.
            "I guess you're right Alya, I'm just sooooo jealous of Lie-la and her nonexistent friendships.  I don't think I could stop even if I tried." I snark calmly as I watch her facial expression. I see the exact moment my words register. that still doesn't give me enough time to move out of the way because next thing I know I'm falling to the floor with a stinging pain in my right cheekbone. I've got to hand it to her, that was a nice punch. It's definitely going to bruise.
            "I can't believe I was ever friends with a bitch like you." she glares down at me with disdain shining in her hazel eyes.
          "likewise." I mutter while returning her glare full force. She's the one to break first and with a huff, she turns and walks away towards her class.
           I turn to look at the security camera which no doubt caught the whole interaction on video. Not that that matters this good for nothing school could care less about me and my bullying problems. I would be way madder if their negligence wasn't also the reason I'm still able to go to school with all the complaints about me. I glare up at the piece of technology as I get up and If I also happened to flip the thing off on my way out the door, well, no one will know anyway.
           I sigh as I look down at the sketch I've been working on. No matter what I do I can't seem to think of a design that matches both Chloe's personality and color preferences. I want this to be the best dress she's ever had. Smart, sassy, down to earth Chloe who likes black, yellow, and white. Something that demands everyone's attention when she walks into the room.  With a huff, I get back to work. It looks like it's going to be a long sleepless night again.
. . .
Authors note
           I'd just like to say thank you to everyone who has decided to read my story. I'll try to post every day and if I miss a day I'll be sure to give an explanation. The next chapter will be Damian's point of view. Bye!

Just A Baker's Daughter - A Daminette StoryWhere stories live. Discover now