Nothing extraordinary

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Nothing extraordinary has been happening as of late. Most of the major villains are in Arkham asylum. School is as monotonous as usual, even the spontaneous family game nights insinuated by Grayson has become lack-luster.
Despite how much he denies it, I can tell even Father is becoming restless just waiting for something to happen. Whatever is going to happen, it's going to be big. I can only hope none of us die this time.
         Currently, I am in the garden with Titus attempting to play fetch. Sadly he doesn't understand he's supposed to give it back. Which is mildly frustrating but nothing I can't handle. One day I'll succeed in teaching him.
        I was just in the middle of grabbing the slobbery ball from his mouth when Alfred came over and informed me we're having a family meeting.
       I feel a jolt of excitement as I walk down the halls to the living room. Maybe we'll finally have something interesting to do.
       When I get to the living room I stand by the wall, arms crossed and a scowl etched into my face.
     "Ok! Now that everyone's here I have an announcement."
     "You're going to finally man up and pop the question to Selina?" Jason cackles.
      "No." Bruce coughs awkwardly. I have to try really hard not to smirk at the blush on his face.
       "We'll be hosting a french class for about seven weeks. I want Dick to be their supervisor and tour guide." That's not the most outlandish thing we've ever heard.
       "Why Grayson? I know you have plenty of other people with enough experience to handle a class." I question
"That's a good question. Do you want to answer this one Dick?" Bruce gives him a pointed look.
"I tried to make blue pancakes, like in Percy Jackson, but the blue food dye exploded. There's a blue spot on the kitchen floor now." Grayson mumbled, dejectedly showing us his blue hands.
It was silent for about 10 seconds. Then chaos breaks out.
"You exploded blue food dye. Because of a book series, you read as a kid?"
" Was Alfred pissed? I bet he was."
"Did you still get the pancakes? 'Cause if you did I'm thoroughly offended you didn't invite me."
"Did you get in trouble, or is this your punishment?"
"I may or may not have gotten banned from the kitchen. Again." Grayson admits sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck with his blue hand.
"Oh, and one last thing. Damian, you will be accompanying him." Wait. WHAT?
"Excuse me?" I asked with narrowed eyes.
" You heard me. You'll be going with Dick to help supervise the class. Only you will be looking for anything suspicious. When the class applied to our program we noticed some inconsistencies. Mostly about one Marinette Dupain-Cheng, who multiple students have reported as being verbally and physically abusive. Yet, she has not been expelled. You may also know her as the famous fashion designer MDC who designs for Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale amongst others." cue Tim squealing like a banshee in the background before Bruce clears his throat and continues, "right. There's also the famous model Adrien Agreste and the mayor's daughter Chloe Bourgeois. Neither has supported the claims on Miss Marinette. Chloe herself has taken to defending her. So you'll be there to see what that is about. Which you'll have an easier job doing because you're their age."
"Ok, that's mildly interesting, but not urgent. You're basically saying that since I'm 15 I get punished the same way as a 23-year-old man who died his hand blue."
"No. I'm saying you haven't left the house for anything other than patrols and school in 2 weeks. So I'm kicking you out."
         "Oooooooooooh!" my brothers are officially idiots. While Drake and Todd are high-fiving in the corner, Grayson's muttering to himself, two weeks? I could've sworn...
        "Tch, I'm not exactly the most social. How do you expect me to get all the facts straight without interrogating them?"
         Tim looks up from his coffee and laptop with an incredulous expression on his face, "You could ask them?" in hindsight that would probably work.
       "Very well, I will attempt to not decapitate them out of frustration. Is that all?"
       "Yes Damian, that is all."
       With that, I walk out the door to head up to my room. I need to do my own background checks on the class before they arrive.
                                      . . .
Authors Note
           So, this is my second chapter. This time in Damian's point of view. It's a little shorter than the other one, sorry. I think I'm going to keep switching the point of view unless something big is happening in the story, or it gets annoying. If it gets annoying I'll let you know that's what's happening.

Just A Baker's Daughter - A Daminette StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora