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Damian pov

I'm going to murder him. Tim's finally done it. He's pissed me off to the point of me considering ignoring Father's rule. How much of an idiot does he have to be to show Marinette the entrance to the bat cave? Not only that, it was the one that had a giant drop.

"She's injured, Drake. Do you know how imbecilic you'd have to be to mess up this bad?" I was practically seething.

"I didn't know she was smart enough to figure it out!" he raises his hands defensively, "I thought she'd just wander around and give up!"

My eye twitched in annoyance. Stalking close to him, grabbing his shirt, pulling him in so close I could feel his breath on my face. Staring into his terrified eyes, "She was able to figure out my and everyone else's identities while on the verge of death based around her thinking she heard me call her name. Don't think her stupid you atrocity of a human being." I growl out between clenched teeth.

"As entertaining as this whole conversation is, Master Damian, I think Master Dick is having trouble stalling the young lady of the topic." Came Alfred's posh voice from behind me.

Letting go of Tim, I stand upright brushing off the nonexistent dust from my shirt. I glance back at him on my way out, "Don't think I'm letting you off easy. I'll be dealing with you later."

I make my way toward her room, determined to get her to rest. She can talk to my father about whatever was so important later. I feel my hand's clench at my sides at the thought of what could've happened had Dick not been there

When I finally reach the door, I hear the normally kind voice ring with irritation through the door.

"You said you'd take me to Mr. Wayne after I changed my shirt. I can assure you the only thing I hate more than criminals is liars, don't make yourself into one, Mr. Grayson."

Okay, I can do this. I've fought criminals and almost died multiple times, how hard can it be to convince a teenage girl to take a nap?

Holding my breath I knock on the door. When It's opened I'm met with the relieved eyes of a panicked Dick Grayson.

"Oh, would you look at that? Damian's here what a coincidence! I'm sure he'll have no trouble taking you to Bruce." He announces loudly before practically running out of the room. I grimace with second-hand embarrassment at how awkward that was.

"He called you in here, didn't he?" A very pale looking Marinette asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Unfortunately, that's pretty much exactly what happened. Are you sure this conversation can't wait?" Her good eye seems to soften at my concerned tone.

"Damian, this is important. I made a horrible first impression. I was terribly rude to him, and since I'm going to be staying here for the next couple of weeks, I need to make amends with him." she explains quietly.

"I know, and I get it. I was fully supportive of that. Then you reopened your wound, please take care of yourself, Mari. My father can wait, he's not going anywhere, and you need to rest." I plead with her just as quietly, moving forward slightly as I watch her sway on her feet.

She bites her lip in contemplation, tilting her head to the side. "But what kind of guest yells at their host? I have to make up for it somehow."

"What kind of guest pushes herself so much she ends up passing out? Please, just take a nap. Twenty minutes is all I'm asking of you."

She sighs dejectedly, "Fine, but you better be here when I wake up. I'm not wandering around this mansion looking for him again."

I nod my head quickly agreeing, before feeling the tension leave my shoulders. I hold a hand out for her to grab as I lead her over to the bed, gently helping her in. Almost instantly she falls asleep. Her quiet snores fill the silent room and I can't help the small smile that finds its way onto my face.

I settle myself next to her bed. Curled up in a ball I rest my arms and head on my legs. Eventually, the sound of her even breathing takes me away to slumber as well.

Authors note
This chapter's short, I just thought it was a good place to stop. I'll be posting another chapter later tonight that I'll try to make at least 1000 words. I hope you all have great days! Also, I got another betta, she's a purple veiltail female and her name is Athena.

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