Just an Average Day

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Most people have three name. Two that their parents choose and one that they have no control over. I happen to have 4 names all of which I had no choice in.

I have many different faces I have to put on for numerous different people. To anyone outside of school, I'm a clumsy and kind baker's daughter. To anyone in school, I'm a heartless bully who has no compassion for others and an attention seeker. Day by day, week by week, more and more people become convinced by the lies spewed about me.

My parents, bless their hearts, are some of the only people I can trust. Besides Tikki, of course. She's not really human though, more of a super tiny goddess. She helps me become Ladybug and an unstoppable force of justice for the citizens of Paris. So I guess she doesn't really count.

The only time I get to truly be myself is when I'm Ladybug. I don't enjoy having to be my superhero counterpart, but I've got a lot of frustration in my life. So what if punching Akuma's helps to keep me from having a breakdown? I can't afford to have a breakdown, because if I get akumatized it's game over for everyone in Paris.

"Marinette! It's time for school!"

I sigh in annoyance. I know they mean well, but I'm just not the same 13-year-old girl anymore. I have been up for an hour and haven't been late once in the past 2 years. It's become necessary to always be on time no matter what.

Last time I was late, my classmates decided that it was their job to put me in my place. By that, I mean that they spray-painted attention seeker in bright red large letters all over my locker. They claimed it was to warn any unsuspecting students that might try to befriend me. Not only that but I had just personalized the locker. It had taken me weeks to finally finish.

I glanced at the alarm clock I'd had for years. 6:45 am, I should probably leave if I want to make it on time. I took notice of Tikki studying me. She's started to mother me worse than my actual mother. When I asked her about it she claimed she didn't know what I was talking about. I give her a soft smile and promise to snag her one of the rejected macarons on my way out.

As I make my way downstairs to the entrance of the bakery I can't help but realize just how different my appearance has become. The biggest thing would be that I no longer wear my pigtail in my civilian life. They were starting to seem a bit childish as I got older, and not many teenage girls wear them every day. Except for Ladybug. I couldn't allow my identity to be compromised, so I changed my look. Right now I'm wearing black ripped jeans and a dark teal portrait neck T-shirt that I made myself.

"Mari! There you are! I've been waiting out here for ten minutes. It's ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous!" There Chloe stood one hand on her hip and a glare on her face, but the way her lip twitched like she wanted to smile let me know she wasn't actually angry.

"Sorry Chloe, you could've just texted me though. I've just been sitting in my room for the past thirty minutes." I taunt lightly. The girl huffs and starts walking away toward the school.

I quickly follow not wanting to get left behind. Chloe is the only good thing to come from the whole Lila situation. They, unfortunately, started to bully Chloe almost as much as me. Apparently, they thought that if they had to be mean to me to get me to stop bullying that also meant they had to do the same to poor Chloe, who was trying to be better. It took a whole month of getting bullied for the girl to break. I was in my room when Chloe had burst through the door, hair a mess, and blue eyes shining with tears. She'd rattled off apology after apology while sobbing into the hug I was giving her. I was, of course, quick to forgive her and we started up a fast friendship.

The easy chatter we had started soon drifted off as we spotted the school. Instead replaced by a tense silence of dread. No matter how many times we walked to school I could never seem to shake the feeling of despair away.

As we made our way up the steps and toward our classroom, I feel Chloe slip her hand into mine. Whether it's to comfort me or her I couldn't say.

When we walked into the room all the conversations that people had been having stopped. Chloe and I made our way to the back of the classroom where we normally sit. The entire way there I could feel Alya's eyes on me and I was praying to whatever higher power out there that my clumsiness decided to take a break. It didn't end up mattering. Lila had stuck her foot out at the last second. Then I was falling. Fast. I instinctively let go of Chloe's hand to try and protect my face. As I crashed toward the ground I heard Lila's fake sobbing and apologizing.

"Oh, Marinette! I am sooooo sorry. I truly didn't mean to trip you. I have this disease that makes my foot jerk outwards randomly. You forgive me, right?" She all but yells through false tears.

"I would forgive you if that had actually been an accident. You and I both know it wasn't. Also for me to even try to forgive you for anything, in general, I'd have to get over your ugly face first." I glare up at her as I get up, dust myself off and move toward my seat with Chloe in tow. "Sorry, you're just too ugly for me to look at." I'm done playing nice with her.

Just then Miss. Bustier decides to walk in. She pauses and looks around the room as if to judge whether the tense air surrounding us all was something to be concerned about. Apparently no it isn't.

"Class I've got some exciting news to share with you all today! We'll be transferring to Gotham temporarily for about seven weeks to see the city and get a tour around Wayne Enterprise."
Immediately the class erupts in cheers from everyone except me and Chloe. It's not that we aren't excited about a change of scenery, because we are. It's more about the people we'll be with. Staying with this class for seven weeks straight with no breaks. Yay.
                                    . . .
Authors note
So this is my first ever attempt at Fanfiction. Please have mercy on my horrible writing skills. I am open to constructive criticism, just don't be mean about it. Also, Marinette will probably be pretty sarcastic in this. If you don't ship Daminette that's fine, all you have to do is click off this fic and continue on your day. Thank you for reading this even if you didn't end up liking it. There's a 90% chance I will post again tomorrow. Bye!

Just A Baker's Daughter - A Daminette StoryWhere stories live. Discover now