The Word Angel

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After Marinette swiftly knocked my brother down a peg, Jason seemed to have decided to follow her around like a lost puppy. Quite frankly it was getting very irritating. I was having a hard time resisting the urge to go back to the car and grab my katana. He knows exactly what he's doing too. I watch as he has the nerve to look me directly in the eye and then sling an arm around her shoulder to start up a conversation. Just as I was about to go over there I feel a hand on my arm holding me in place.

"Baby Bird now is not the time to get jealous. I guarantee you she doesn't find jealousy endearing." Dick whispered in a hushed voice while tightening the grip on my arm. I jerked my arm out of his grip and glared up at him.

"Tt, I'm not jealous. What would I have to be jealous of?" I ask incredulously, crossing my arms and scowling at him.

"Miss. Marinette of course. You're envious that Jason is having a conversation with her, while you're over here watching." I feel my ears start to go red at the accusation, and I can only hope he believes it's from anger. From the look on his face, he's not convinced at all. I back up slightly farther away from him.

"If I wanted to have a conversation with her, I would." I scoff as I turn to look at Marinette again, more out of reflex than actually wanting to see what she's doing. I feel Tim walk up behind me having heard the whole conversation.

"Prove it." He says as he pushes me in her direction. I glare back at my brothers one last time before I walk over toward Marinette and Jason.

"Marinette I'd like to apologize for my brother's rudeness. Have any of them introduced themselves yet?" I question while looking Todd in the eye. Marinette seems a little put off by the interaction seeing how she starts to fidget with her purse.

"Not yet Damian. Though, I'm sure they were planning on it at some point."

"I'm sure they were, but you've already been tricked into arm-wrestling one of them. I think the least they could do is introduce themselves." The facial expression I made must've been funny because she started to laugh. I felt my entire face heat up. Holy, what is wrong with me? All she did was laugh? It should seriously be illegal how pretty her laugh is.

"I'm sure you wouldn't mind introducing them. Seeing how they are your brothers and they've clearly forgotten about it themselves." I blink at her reply.

"Right. Of course." I clear my throat, "The one you arm wrestled is Tim Drake and the one following you around is Jason Todd. I'm pretty sure you already know Dick Grayson who is your supervisor for the entirety of your stay here." I can't help but stare into her big blue eyes as I speak. Honestly, her eyes could give Dick a run for his money. Half of her hair is up in a french braid and some of the strands left out frame her face. She's wearing a casual white lace dress and all I can think of is the word angel .

I avert my eyes to look at the window to the side, "We'd better catch up with the rest of your class before we lose them." I say anxiously. She just nods and with one last smile, she turns and walks away to find her class.

I let out a sigh of relief as I feel my tense posture relax. Until Jason gets in front of me, holds my shoulders, and looks me directly in the eyes.

"You've got it bad. Really bad. Despite how weird all of this is I've decided to help you. Mostly because she's awesome and if you don't marry her I doubt she'll come to visit us." He draws me closer to him so that we're so close our noses are almost touching. "Don't mess this up." He also turns to walk away, probably to go find Marinette again. What the hell? She's only just met Jason a couple of hours ago and he already wants to keep her? I'm scared to think of what Father will do when he meets her.

I start to make my way back toward the class and my brothers. I can't help but wonder what brought me to this point. Having a pointless crush on an odd girl I just met who's from Paris and is going back there in a matter of weeks. I can barely even talk to her without my entire face going bright red. I'm the heir to the League of Assassins and Robin partner of the dark knight, Batman. I shouldn't have a crush, let alone on a normal girl from the city of love.

Even if she could take down the Riddler she's still average and in every sense, it shouldn't be possible for me to be this infatuated with her. It doesn't help that every one of my family members that have met her has also liked her, in a more platonic way. They all want to keep her around and the only way she's going to stick around is if she's dating me. Which means I'm going to have to face these feelings head-on instead of trying to kill them like I want to.

Unfortunately, I don't have any clue what I'm doing and my brothers are no help. It's not like I'd go to them for help anyways. If I did, I'd never live it down.

I finally catch up with the class, Marinette at the back of the group with Chloe and Jason. I make my way over toward them and say hello to Chloe, purposefully ignoring Jason. Just as I was about to turn my attention to Dick explaining the history of Wayne Enterprise, Marinette turned to grin at me. Shit.

Authors note
Sorry, this one doesn't have a lot of plot. I just thought it was a good idea to show how Damian was dealing with his newfound feelings. His brothers are some of my favorite characters to write. Until next chapter, Bye!

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