The Realization

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The sound of an alarm wakes me up, lazily I roll to my side and slowly open my eyes. My vision immediately connects with Damian's alert forest eyes. So much like Adrien's green that I associated with so many bad memories, and yet his eyes make me feel safe and warm. Like I'm protected instead of amid the danger that constantly surrounds my life.

I break eye contact, feeling my face heat up in embarrassment. "Hi," I say awkwardly.

"Hello to you too, Marinette. Did you have a nice nap?" he returns with a small smile.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I worried you. I can be a bit stubborn sometimes." I shyly tuck the hair behind my ear.

He snorts out a laugh, "That's kind of an understatement, but the blame lies with my brother, so don't feel too bad." He stands up and offers me his hand, "I did promise to take you to see my father, so let's get going."

I smile up at him as I grab his hand and he leads me out of the room. There are butterflies in my stomach and I'm almost painfully aware that I'm still holding his hand. Why? I can't have another crush, it took me years to get over Adrien. I can't go through that again.

I'm shaken out of my thoughts by Damian's hand gently squeezing mine. I look up into his eyes, and how his brow is furrowed slightly, that cute little pout on his lips.

"We're here, he's right inside that door, but you look a little pale. Are you okay? We can wait to talk to father."

"No! No. It's okay, I'm just a little nervous, it'll be fine. I promise not to pass out or anything, so you don't have to worry! Hahahaha!" I stutter out quickly. Shitshitshitshit.

He side-eyes me seeming even more concerned than before he said anything. "If you're sure?"

"Yep!" My voice comes out slightly squeaky and I can barely suppress the urge to jump out a window. He doesn't look very convinced, but he lets go of my hand and opens the door anyway.

"Father? Marinette wishes to speak to you," he announces to the man sitting in the office chair. He turns his attention back to me, "I'll be right outside if you need anything." I nod my head in understanding, not quite trusting myself to speak around him.

As he leaves, he shoots his father an indiscernible look that I can't understand at all. Mr. Wayne seems to get it though as I can see the slight nod of his head.

When we're finally alone I let out a sigh of relief, looking up at the man in front of me. "I've come to talk to you for multiple reasons Mr. Wayne. First and foremost I'd like to apologize for my behavior at lunch. It was rude of me to act that way and I should have handled the situation more maturely."

"Please sit down," he gestures to the chair on the opposite side of his desk, "I have a feeling this will be a long conversation." I immediately move to sit down covering up the wince as I do so. I don't want to seem disrespectful in any way.

"I'd like to apologize as well, it wasn't kind of me to bad mouth your Master like that. On top of that, I ended up questioning your abilities as a hero. It was rude of me to interrogate a guest like that, so I'm sorry." He seemed genuinely apologetic, despite his face not changing at all.

"No need to apologize, sir, I know my situation tends to come as a bit of a shock. And you were right it is absurd that I had to save Paris at thirteen, but it's the way it is. I did and continue to do what I have to, to both survive and save everyone." I explain to him as lightly as the topic will allow.

"As absurd as it is, my reaction was a bit unorthodox. I don't think your apology was all you came here for though, is it?" he raises one brow at me in question leaning forward and holding his hands together.

(brief comment of suicide)

"You're right, I'm also here to talk about a plan we can use for Paris. My people have been suffering for so long, the situation has become unbearable. Suicide rates have skyrocketed, my miraculous cure might fix physical problems, but it does nothing for the mental ones."

(Comment over)

"That is troubling, do you have any information we can use to try and help? A plan perhaps?" He looks serious, determined even. I can tell just by the look in his eye that he will stop at nothing to set this right.

"I have some sort of plan, I've had to modify it a bit due to my partner's early retirement."

"Oh? Why is that?" The curious look on his face was almost scary.

"He was becoming a liability, acting like this was a big game instead of the awful situation it was. That's not what we're here to talk about though." The warning tone of my voice catches his attention and he sits a bit straighter.

"Alright, what do you have?"

"I know how to handle Hawkmoth, and I'm positive I could beat him in a fight. That's not the problem. What I need your help with is finding out who he is. I have a list of every single Akuma I've encountered, abilities, location, and reason of akumatization all included. I'll send them to you as soon as possible."

He nods his head in understanding, before his face sets in a hard line. "We'll help you with that. Not that I doubt your ability, but I can't exactly send a fifteen-year-old to fight a magical terrorist with a clear conscience. What do you suggest I do about that?"

"There isn't much you can do about it, but if you want you can train me while I'm here, it might help clear your conscience a bit. I should be ready to train in about two weeks, given the healing effects Tikki has on those around her for a long time."

He sighs, rubbing his temple as if he can feel a headache coming on. "Alright, I guess that's the best I'm going to get. Now that's settled, why don't you go get some rest? You deserve it."

I smile gratefully at him as I slowly get up and exit the door with a quiet thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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