He's not denying it.

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What the hell is going on? First of all the Riddler shows up with no warning to attack Marinette. How'd he even determine who and where she was? Whatever the reason it doesn't seem to matter as she ended up beating him up. It was a timely fight but still somewhat startling. So what if I was staring, Grayson? It doesn't mean anything! Wipe that goofy smile off your ugly face! How was I supposed to know that a small teen who couldn't be more than five feet tall could actually fight? On top of that, she's a baker's daughter, they're known for being sweet.

When I had reluctantly agreed to do some digging into this situation, it was mostly for my own amusement. I will admit that I was getting pretty bored just sitting and waiting for something to happen. When something finally happens I can do nothing but watch as she single-handedly takes down one of the most dangerous criminals in Gotham.

Her fighting style itself was unusual in more ways than one. It didn't appear to be any of the fighting styles I'd learned at the league. I know how to fight in almost every way and know how to identify all of them. So it's safe to conclude that she's self-taught, which brings us to our next problem. Why would a baker's daughter born and raised in the city of love have the need to learn how to fight? It just doesn't add up.  I'll have to ask Drake to do some digging for me. I'll probably have to buy his coffee for a week. No matter I've got plenty of money from the allowances Father gives out every month. It's not like I have anything else to use it for.

I sigh heavily as I put on my robin suit. I'll be patrolling with Jason today. Unfortunately, that also means I'm on 'make sure he doesn't lose his cool' duty. Like I didn't have enough problems today, now I have to deal with his shit. As I start to make my way to the meetup section of the bat cave. Dick suddenly shows up beside me, swinging an arm around my shoulder, he grins like an idiot.

"What are ya' thinking about Little D? Is it little Miss. Dupain-Cheng? You certainly seemed very interested in her earlier." he teases with a victorious grin on his face when mine started to heat up. Curse this stupid body. The others choose that moment to walk through the door. Great.

"Err, what's going on here?" a heavily caffeinated Tim asks in between sipping his coffee, he stares at the flush my face, "Is he sick or something?"

"Oh, he's not sick unless you count being sick with love." Dick swoons clasping his hands in front of him.

"Grayson!" Damian growls lowly, the red on his face starting to creep up his neck. "If you want to keep your head, I suggest you shut your mouth."

"What?" Jason asks scratching his head with his free hand while the other holds his helmet.

Dick looks as excited as a kid in a candy store with no budget. "You. Would. Not. Believe me. If I told you." he's practically vibrating with utter joy.

"Grayson." I warned one last time, but it didn't seem to matter since they're all taking turns ignoring me.

"Spit it out already. We don't have all night for this." Father reminds us tiredly.

"Ok ok. So we went to meet the kids in the class we have to supervise for a while, right?" They all nod their heads in confirmation. "Well, Damian went right over to where Marinette and Chloe were standing and said something funny? I don't know they all just started laughing." They all turn to look at Damian with different levels of shock written on their face.

"Wait! I haven't even gotten to the best part yet!" Dick whines as he notices the lack of attention on him, "The girl,  Marinette Dupain-Cheng, was targeted by Riddler in the middle of the airport."

"What!?" they all scream in unison, as Tim mumbles  "How the hell is that good news?"

"She took him down calmly, after answering all of his riddles. Correctly, might I add. Then when he sadly escaped all she did was say she needed a nap. Like, this guy runs at her with a knife. She just calmly flips him over, and when I turned to get Damian's opinion on the matter? Do you know what I saw?"

Father just shakes his head as a reply as I silently plead for someone to kill me so I don't have to deal with this embarrassment.

"He was standing there, staring at her, with this ginormous red tint all over his face. He has his first-ever crush on a badass baker's daughter. Little D is finally all grown up." Dick pretends to wipe tears from his eyes as all the others turn to stare at me slack-jawed.

"He's not denying it." Jason whispers quietly in growing horror. Then Tim's laughing uncontrollably clutching his coffee like a lifeline and Father's rubbing his temple like he can feel a headache coming on.

Jason and his commentary keep getting more and more annoying. "That poor girl she's going to run away at first sight. I don't know if we should be helping you or her." still stuck in his state of horror, Jason puts a hand to his chin as if thinking. "I've got it! We'll just go with you to see the class tomorrow! Then we can decide who to help and figure out what exactly caught Demon Spawn's eye. Because this is fuckin' weird." you're telling me.

"I don't need your help, Todd." In all reality I'm planning on ignoring this so-called crush until it disappears. No need for unwanted feelings for me.

"Oh, no need to thank us. We'll take great joy in helping you out Little D." Dick smirked evilly, and I have a hard time keeping the slight shiver of fear from showing.

Just A Baker's Daughter - A Daminette StoryWhere stories live. Discover now