I told you we should've brought the sword!

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Dick Grayson PoV

Holy shit. Did I just witness what I think I did? This young girl who was part of our class literally just snarked off at the Riddler. Answered all of his riddles like they were nothing, and when he ran at her with a knife? Completely unfazed she flips him on his back and asks if anyone has a zip tie.

Even his creepily vague see you later did nothing. She just sighed, looked around the room at all of our shocked faces, and tiredly stated she needed a nap. Hell if I'm not going to let the poor girl take a nap. She just took down a criminal mastermind in style, she deserves all of the naps in the world. I squint as I look her over more closely, black hair, blue eyes. Shit. I'm going to have to keep her far away from Bruce. He'll take one look at her face and want to adopt her. I look over at Damian to get his opinion on the matter. Oh.

Bruce might not have to adopt this one, it looks like Damian might have first dibs this time. I smirk as I stare at my brother's flushed face as he openly gawks at her. She doesn't seem to notice. Which is truly a shame. I'd have so much more blackmail material if Damian got confronted on his staring in front of a ton of people. Not to mention it would be one of the funniest things I'd ever seen.

I'd notice Damian freeze a couple of times around Miss Marinette, but I'd just assumed he shocked even himself how quick he was to befriend her. This is oh so much better. I just got to witness Damian Wayne get his first crush. On the girl, he was told to investigate. Bruce definitely gets to pick the movie at our next family movie night for unintentionally setting this beautifully tragic scene I get to be a witness to.

I nudge Damian in the shoulder to break him out of the stupor he was in before it gets too embarrassing. When he looks up at me as if to ask what I want, the flush on his face fading quickly. I smirk at him and raise an eyebrow tilting my head in her direction. The poor kid's face goes impossibly redder when he realizes he was caught staring. It almost makes me feel bad. Almost. No nevermind. I have no regrets, this is the best day of my life!

He glares up at me and hisses through clenched teeth, "Shut up, Grayson!"

I smile innocently down at him, "Never said anything Little D." I shrug my shoulder as I start to walk toward Marinette, "Let's go say hi!"

"Wait! Grayson! Get back here!" he all but screams as he scrambles to catch up to me.

"Miss. Dupain-Cheng, that was quite the show of strength." Dick states offering up a charming smile. She politely smiles back if not a little bit more reserved.

"Well, Mr. Grayson, it wasn't anything impressive. I just did what I had to do to keep everyone alive and if I happened to have a little fun while doing it, who cares?" she says with a shrug as she stares at me with closed-off, calculating eyes.

"I think my brother and I would have to disagree with you about it not being impressive. He was quite in awe of your skill." Damian who was now standing beside me grips my elbow hard enough to be painful. I have a hard time hiding a wince, but I manage.

She stares at us for a couple of seconds as if this whole interaction was something odd. I can't even really blame her, to anyone other than me and Damian this probably would be considered weird.

"That's very kind of you Mr. Grayson, but I must be going back with my class. You see, they've decided to head straight back to the hotel due to this incident." She excused herself with confident yet cautious accented English.

"Of course. We'll see you tomorrow." She nods her head in acknowledgment as she makes her way back over to her class.

I wait a couple of seconds until she's out of hearing range before I speak while walking back to the car, "She seems nice. I approve."

Damian points an accusatory finger at me, "I don't need your approval, Grayson! And I told you we should've brought the sword!"

Author notes

Whoo! This ones done! Finally! This chapter was mostly for my own amusement and I had a great time writing it. Sorry, I missed yesterday's chapter I promise to write another one tomorrow? Today? I don't really know, it's 1 am. Also on a different note, do you want the next chapter in Damian's pov of Marinette's? Bye!

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