Chapter 7: Friends

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To say that Minji was sleep-deprived the next morning would be an understatement. After that haunting dream, there was essentially little to no hope of her falling back asleep. As soon as she would feel the fatigue take over, her mind would kick-start again with all these questions in regards to the latest development of her nightmare, refusing to let her sleep until she had answers.

Why did Taehyung appear? How the hell was she supposed to help him? Why is that sinister shadow after him? And then that text message... She couldn't deny how crazy it was that it popped up on her phone at just the right moment. She was trying to put all the pieces together, but she didn't quite understand it.

At this point, she felt like she was losing her mind. She tried to brush it off, convincing herself that it was a result of all the stress from classes and the whole thing with Taehyung in the hospital... and probably her lack of proper sleep. Or maybe this was her subconscious feeling guilty for not being able to do anything to help him. At this point, the possibilities were endless.

She spent the entire night trying to calm her whirring mind as she attempted to figure out the meaning behind her nightmares. She lay in the silence, staring up at the ceiling as she watched her room change colors from the pitch-black shadows to the soft hues of warm pastels as it got closer to dawn.

She glances over at her clock on the nightstand, the time reading 6:59. As always, right before it hits 7:00 it cuts off, and none of her alarms go off, but it's not like she needed it anyway since she's been wide awake for hours now.

Minji lets out a heavy sigh as she drags herself out of bed, trudging towards the bathroom to get ready for the day, trying to get rid of the anxious feeling in her gut that just would not go away. When she's finally dressed and somewhat presentable for the day, she heads towards the kitchen and immediately sees Jin scrambling to prepare something quick and easy for breakfast. 

"Hey, you're up," he greets her, handing her a plate of steaming eggs before wiping his hands off a cloth. "I hope you got some sleep, if you need anything, let me know. I've got to go, got called in due to some emergency at work, so make sure to eat well and have a great day at school," he rushes, gently patting her head while she nods in understanding.

"Thanks Jin, see you later," she replies, not wanting to worry him about last night as she offers him a small smile, which he accepts as he smiles back at her before briskly walking to his room to get ready for work.

Minji takes a seat at the table, glancing around the empty room before looking down at the food, her stomach queasy at the sight of the eggs. She was not in the mood to eat anything right now, but she didn't want to throw it away either. She pushes the food around with her fork, gulping down a bite. Her stomach clenches and she tries to force herself to eat, but that unsettling feeling isn't helping at all.

Jin returns shortly, ready for work as he gives her a small wave. "Remember, if you need anything-" he starts only to have her cut him off.

"Call you, got it," she finishes, giving him a smile as nods, letting out a small sigh before reluctantly walking out the door.

Even though Minji had reassured him that she was fine, he could notice the prominent bags under her eyes, and he could've sworn he heard her calling out Taehyung's name last night. He wanted to ask her about how she was dealing with everything, but he didn't know how to approach her without feeling like he was invading her privacy. He decided he would give her time, and if she wanted to talk to him about it, he would make sure to let her know that he was there for her.

Minji stares down at her plate, letting out a heavy sigh before pushing it away. She shuffles to her room to get her book bag, deciding to head to class a bit early in hopes of getting some coffee to help her function for the day.

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