Chapter 17: Things I'll Never Say

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Minji paces the bleak hall of the hospital, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip as she nervous chews on it. "C'mon, please pick up," she whispers as Taehyung leans against the wall next to Namjoon's room, his concerned gaze fixed on his worried friend.

She lets out a small huff as it goes to voicemail for the fourth time, her heart anxiously pounding against her chest as she goes back to her contacts, scrolling through the names before clicking on the one she was looking for.

"Please please please," she repeatedly chants, her chest tightening with each passing second as the line continues to ring. She could feel the pressure lighten when the call is finally picked up, but she doesn't expect to hear the female voice that greets her.

"Oh, umm, is Jimin home?" Minji inquires.

"Yeah, he's actually taking a shower at the moment, but I can let him know you called," the woman replies. The realization hits as Minji finally recognizes the voice that belongs to Jimin's girlfriend.

"Sure, thanks. Just tell him to be safe, okay?" she cautions.

"Is everything okay Minji?" the young woman asks, worried as she notices the serious undertone to her words that couldn't be ignored.

"Yeah, talk to you later," Minji rushes out, hanging up the call before putting the device in her back pocket, her fingers shakily running through her hair as she takes a few deep breaths. I need to get to Jungkook, I have to help him. She instinctively pats her pockets, groaning as she remembers that she doesn't have her keys since Jin took them away after she got arrested.

"Damn it," she growls, annoyance laced in her words as she pulls out her phone again.

"Who are you calling now?" Taehyung questions, curiously watching as she scrolls through her phone.

"A taxi," she replies, clicking on the green button to dial the number before pressing the device to her ear.

"Hell no, you're not going," Taehyung argues, using as much energy as he could muster in order to end the call, earning a glare from Minji as she tries to redial the number only to have the call disconnect yet again.

"Tae, I need to help him!" she replies, gritting her teeth as her piercing gaze is aimed at her best friend, who simply shakes his head in response.

"No," he firmly states, causing Minji to narrow her eyes as she feels the anger building up inside.

"No?" she replies, her tone dangerously low as she approaches him. Taehyung straightens up, standing tall as he takes a step towards her, not backing down from her daggering gaze. "I'm not a child Tae, you can't just tell me what to do.

"I know you're not a child, but you can't go Minji. I'm not letting you put yourself in danger," he says, his voice deeper as a serious expression graces his features. "I don't want you getting hurt," he softly adds, brown eyes widening slightly as a small pout rests on his lips, an innocence to his features that causes Minji's heart to stutter as she stares up at him.

His expression is no longer harsh or creased in concern, but much softer as he stares at her with that pleading gaze. She wants to give in and tell him that she's going to stay, that she's going to be there by his side until the end, but her heart clenches at the thought of having to say goodbye. I can't do it.

"I have to go," she whispers, eyes tearing up as she notices the dejected expression on his face. She doesn't want to disappoint him, but she also just can't leave Jungkook behind. If she couldn't save Taehyung, then she could at least make sure no one else got hurt. This was her responsibility, she was the only one who could fix it.

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