Chapter 4: Eyes on Me

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Minji growls as she rushes through the halls, her hair still wet from the quick shower she had to take before leaving the house this morning. She was still trying to figure out why the hell her alarms didn't go off this morning when she knew she set them the night before.

Both Namjoon and Jin had left early in the morning for work, so there wasn't anyone home to remind her to get ready for classes, but she didn't need that since she was capable of doing it herself. She always sets at least two alarms on her phone and a third one on her alarm clock, which is why she was surprised when she woke up and it was already almost 8, a whole hour after her first alarm was supposed to go off.

With 30 minutes left to get ready and haul her ass all the way to campus, she moved frantically, grabbing a pair of leggings and the sweatshirt she had stolen from Jin days ago before running to the bathroom, stubbing her toe on the door frame in her rush. The water was cold, but she didn't have time to try to fix it as she quickly washed her hair and got out, her teeth chattering as she felt the warmth shroud her as soon as she pulled on the over-sized sweatshirt.

She quickly got dressed and completed her morning routine, doing the bare minimum at this point. On her way out, she made sure to grab a granola bar as her breakfast and a bottle of water, slinging her backpack over her shoulder before heading out the door.

She tries to calm her breathing as she finally stands in front of her classroom, glancing down at her watch to see that it's  8:37, groaning as she realizes that she's seven minutes late to the lecture. She hates the idea of walking in and earning stares from her classmates, groaning at the thought. Who cares about that now, just go in already!

She takes a deep breath before opening the door, causing the professor to momentarily pause as he glances at her, nodding his head in acknowledgement before going back into the run-down of what today's lesson entails.

She can feel everyone staring at her as she rushes through the aisle, her eyes focusing on the floor as she heads straight towards Jungkook, who glances up from the doodle in his notebook as he hears her footsteps, his eyes widening at her appearance. Sure, he knew that Minji never really stressed out about her appearance, usually choosing jeans and a t-shirt or, in the cooler seasons, a sweater and dark coat since she preferred being comfortable, but even this was an unusual sighting, especially her hair, which was still dripping wet, the red dye slightly bleeding into the Jin's pastel blue sweatshirt. 

"What the hell happened to you? I've been trying to reach you for the past fifteen minutes," Jungkook whispers, eyes glancing back at the professor, making sure that the man wouldn't notice their little side conversation. He feels a bit relieved when he notices that he's writing something up on the board for the next assignment and glances back at his friend. He was worried when he showed up before she did since she was always there early, so he assumed the worst and immediately tried to reach out, his anxiety rising when she didn't even respond to his messages or answer his calls.

She huffs in response, irritated about how her morning started, and, to top it all off, she hasn't had her coffee yet. "What are you talking about?" she whispers harshly, pulling out her notebook while Jungkook sighs, pulling out his phone.

"I called you at least twice and sent a couple text messages, you never responded," he replies, causing her to immediately pull out her phone, eyebrows furrowing as she opens her call log.

"The last call I have is from Jin, which was last night," she whispers, showing Jungkook her screen while he looks at it in confusion, pulling out his own phone as well in order to show her the outgoing calls and messages he sent. "What the hell?" she utters, staring at his screen before looking at hers. "My alarms didn't go off either," she mumbles, her voice a bit louder as she earns a few looks from her classmates, clearly annoyed by the disturbance while Jungkook shyly bows his head, apologizing before turning towards Minji.

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