Rowena Ravenclaw

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Athens Greece 🇬🇷 for the shord of Gryffindor...

I tried my best....I wanted Salazar to stay away....but now he is dead....

With him Godric died aswell....I found it a little peculiar....

-who are you?

-I am a ghost....I reborned from Zeus's head...

-Oh my goodness a witch!!!!Burn her....

-No I am a goddess...Athena....

-here you go ....the time you asked....

-That's completely different from what i thought....

-everyone lived happily ever after....

-That's not who it goes....

-Turn it ....

-That will take years....

-Earth will make it through we have Helga....

-You mean Hestia?


-Okey my daughter....

-She is safe....

-but there will be.... Coronavirus.....and the sea....and the earthquake...

-We have Gryffindors heirs....

-Yes you are saved.....




Bloody baron POV

I love you 💕 come back....

There's no place for me in your arms....

Then I will have to kill you....

I will die by myself....

That's the first one 🤣

Stop beeing such a Ravenclaw Helena....

I reseracted from the dead....

Bravo Salazar.....

So......Vampires started with ghosts and reborn again every some years as the same person to not be discoveres....with the new invation the time turner that was preety easy like a DNA the wizarding world was a secret and hogwarts become the safest place on earth for muggle war.....Mugleborns....hated the slytherins and slytherins found The curse word from god's believers that means mad and water so madblood.That wasn't a curse buck in the days.....

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