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Rowena's POV

I am in love with him.
He never leaves my mind.He is always there mentally if not physically.He is my one stable force,my one stability in a world filled with chaos and I so desperately need that in my life.I am in love with him and I can't believe I've only just realised it.

Godric was getting better with
Helga by his side trying to find a cure.Salazar on the other hand,he was damaged.
I remember that the first day we ever spoke I asked him what he is afraid the most.
<<Faillure...I want to succed in life.>>

He said and it seemed reasonable to me.He was so sure for his plan and he failed!He didn't leave his room for weeks.Till the Castelobruxo,the Brazilian school of Magic,visited our school, and we had prepared a ceremony.
I wore a greenish-blue gown made of soft, satiny fabric, long and loose. A semicircular, high collar made of silk-like materials headed the ankle-length robe.
Salazar held out his hand for me to take.I complied,but instead of shaking hands like everyone else,he brought my hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss upon it.I felt my face flush warm and the hairs on my neck stand.
Something fluttered in my stomach.I knew what that feeling was.In the moment I knew that If I spoke,no words would fumble and I wouldn't be able to make my usual witty remarks.Right there and then,I was at a loss for everything,no words,no breath,no thoughts.The only thing that came out of my mouth was <<Great>> and he handed me a small piece of paper

"Meet me by the lake at midnight"

The hours seemed like centuries,I was trying to pay attention to
Castelobruxo's headmaster but I was looking at Salazar the whole time.I was wondering what he had in mind.
I went ten minutes earlier just to have a moment alone with my thoughts.Few minutes later I saw him coming quite nervous and I realised how handsome he was.
He had strong arched brows and eyelashes so thick.And then his eyes- they were deep and milky green .I could see the flecks of silver in his eyes.
<<You came>> <<Why wouldn't I?>> He laughed <<No one knows with you!>> In that moment of silence I tried to use legilimency to find out what he was thinking...
<<So are you trying to read my mind?I won't make it easy for you.>>

Salazar's POV

   My face warmed as she crept closer.I wrapped my arms around her.I normally do not like skinship but this felt different.I longed for it.I craved it.Her gentle eyes met my own.Her beauty was incredible, my heart was falling for her by the second.
<<I keep falling for you and each time the feeling gets deeper.I am devoted to you.I guess I should be ashamed of that somehow,aren't we all supposed to be tough?Yet I prefer to be strong,beeing fully aware of my own fragility.But,my love,you are worth my life and all that I have left is yours.>>
  We lay naked in the moonlight,My arm draped over her waist.She lent in for a kiss,the kind I wanted to last forever,but after a time I withdrew to gaze the face I loved so much.I glided my hand over her skin to her face,brushing away a little dirt.<<Have I ever told you I love you?>> she grinned <<No,uh uh>> She shook her head and fought away the grin.
My hand had migrated to her hair,pushing it back from her face.<<Well,I do.And you know what?>> She shook her head negatively <<I always will>> I dropped my gaze before meeting hers.

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