24. The true story

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Herpo POV

The war.... It's finally beginning....
I was splitting my soul....To my necklace....and my Basilisk that was very useful.
Till I found that girl....I am really surprised that I can split my soul to a Human body.

"What are you doing to the restricted section?"

"The same thing as you actually...."

"My mother gave me access to it...."

"Tell me all about your mother....Is she in charge?"

"She is the Wisest witch of her age....An intelligent Idol."

"And you are?"

"Helena....My pleasure...."

"You are so young...."

"Not so much...One I will marry Nicolas."

"Is he your friend?"

"Not yet she is a Gryffindor...."

"A what?"

"A brave knight actually...."

"Hohoho you are stunning little lady....Why don't you go to him?"

"And leave you here....Offcourse not."

"Clever,just like your mother..."

"Excuse me?"

So I did the spell...She froze for a moment and then she looked at me

"What have you done?My head it's burning...."

It worked!!!

"At first I would like you to bring me your mother's diadem."


Very well...I had no choice....I took out my invisibility cloak and We rediated.

Helena POV

"Please my mother will hear about this..."

"Your mother isn't that strong as you think."

Said that awful man.

"So your intentions is to keep me hear forever?"

"Actually yes till you are by my side to the war that's coming"

"Forget about it"

"You gave me no choice...Crucio"

I haven't heard that spell before...I feel thousands of knifes in my body...That pain...oh it feels so real.

"Are you with me?"

"I don't get you...I am a child..."

"Exactly children don't stand the pain
... Crucio"

"Okey Okey...Just leave my mother alone..."

"We have a long way to go

Rowena POV

The diadem is still here but my daughter isn't....


"Do you know something about it?"

"What are you talking about?"

"A Basilisk a giant snake on the forest,then my daughter is missing,the dark mark above us and you're asking me if I am okey"

"I asked you what's wrong My love..."

"It's apparently your fault..."

"I just received a letter for my brother...."

"You never told me a single thing about him anyways...."

He just lookes at me with a sad eye....

"My brother....I saw the dark mark...The wizarding war is just starting...I thought I could never leave the operah but somebody start a fire....My love is dead.... Everybody died...I feel dark forces are on their way....Be cerful and don't trust muggles,or mugglebornes.

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