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Godric's POV

   Death-you never know how it feels,or what happens after you die. Most of the time you are too busy to think about it.
They say a man who lives full is not afraid of death.
  Yet,I have not lived fully,but I am not afraid of death.In fact,I find death intriguing.Where will I go?Will I be a ghost,or will I sleep forever?It's a mystery and I love mysteries.The only thing that scares me is to loose my loved ones.
  She died Sunday,She had no magical powers,he stabbed her and I could only blame myself.It doesn't matter that She was a muggle,I could feel the magic inside her,pure and innocent.
Raiker escaped,I could run after him but I couldn't leave her there.She was special,too special to be left alone and die.
   So much time had passed since then,and all I had left of her was the occasional fleeting memory.
I had lost the sound of her voice and the touch of her skin.No one had ever replaced her,but now I don't know anymore.Helga was there,She took care of me and I loved her for that.
Today is Sunday,I used to love Sunday's.Now that I am feeling better I take a walk at the forest,i like to do that,it clears my mind.
  A figure steps from the Shadows,stealing my breath and the heart from my skin.I blinked my eyes once more unable to believe what is in front of me.
   <<Godric?>> I didn't awnsered immediately <<Sorry my lady ,I overheared.I thought you said my name.I thought you were someone I used to know!>>
<<It's me...>>
<<That is imposible.I put you on the ground.>> She smiled.
  Suddenly my defences are just paper that is being soaked by the rapidly falling briny drops.My hands are folded around her back drawing her closer.I can feel her body shake and I am crying,for the missed time we will never make back,crying to release the tension of these eight long years.I am running my hands through her red hair ,as If I can't quite believe she is not a part of an almost forgotten dream.I want to speak but all I can do is croak
<< Don't go,not again.>>
  Her mouth paints a soft smile and she nods once before folding me in her arms again.
  Elain wears a face like she's expecting anger from me,anger that just doesn't exist.All I have for her is love,all I want is to keep her safe.She needs to forgive her self too. <<You are heart.>> She said looking at my closed wound.
<<It could be worse,I am trying to keep myself alive untill we find a phoinix.>>
I joked <<There is no need for that...Here, I've got phoinix tears..>>She took a small flask and dropped some tears on my wound...I was impressed .Suddenly I felt empty...What about Helga?The person who was always there beside me?But I couldn't loose Elain again...
<<Wow where did you find them?Actually tell me everything from the begginigng!>>
  She took a deep breath...
<<Do you remember Amortelia?>> Offcourse,how could I forget?She was in love with me but I never took an interest in her...I nodded
<<Well,she died not me,She took polyjuice potion to seduce you with my form,but Raiker found her...I realised that I was in danger so I left...>> <<Without telling me anything?>>
<<It was to risky...but I regrated it as soon as I left...I met a wizard hunted and we traveled together but he died from a serious illness before we reach Wessex.He told me to find a witch named Rowena Ravenclaw,so I begun my journey.Deep inside I was always hopping that I would find
<<Yeah...I was actually hopping that you came to find me...>>
<<I know Raiker believe me it would be dangerous!>>
   <<I am not afraid of him...He is a muggle!>>
<< So do I!>> I ignored her
<<How could you be so selfish?I loved you Elain.I wanted to protect you...>> <<Are you kidding me?You would have died without me Godric,Yeah...Basilisk poison...I am not stupid I am wondering why you aren't dead already?>>
"because of Helga...Not you" I though
<< You are right.I am sorry...How do you know about the Basilisk?>>
<<Herpo the foul...He thought that the wizard who was with me had something special...He hunted us...He was controling a Basilisk!>> So what Salazar wanted wasn't impossible after all.
<<He will come for you Godric,all of you,the object is calling him...The king of the Ireland is dead,but Herpo can't die I don't know how but he is immortal!>> I didn't know how to react.I had gotten her into the magical world and now she was in danger...
  <<Okey,calm down,lets go to the castle...>> She agreed and we headed to Hogwarts.The safest place was now in danger.

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