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Helga's POV

<<Do you want to read tonight?>> I ask Rowena.
<<We could take a walk,it's not that
<<It's not that late yet,either>> I add,though her definition of late is what many would consider quite early.
<<Have you seen a dream lately?>> <<No,>> She says
<<Last time I saw a dream was a week ago...When Elain arrived.>> The sound of the name made me sick. Even without telling a soul it was soon common knowledge that Godric and Elain were lovers. It was in the way their gazes lingered on one another, the way their voices became softer and in the shy grins he never worn before.But I couldn't blame him,he found his long lost love.
<<Everything was red and confusing!>> <<Red and confusing?>> Rowena nods. <<It was a bunch of things over lapping,>> she explains
<<Fire and something red,but not at the same time.A man with a Basilisk that slowly changes to Salazar's form.And Elain.A feeling like everything was unraveling,or tangling,you can't find the beggining or the end anymore.>>
<<Did you tell Salazar about it?>> I ask. <<Not yet.>>Rowena says
<<I don't like to tell him things that don't make any sense.Most time things make sense eventually>>
<<That's true!>>
<<Oh,and another thing>> Rowena says.
<<We're going to find out something.That was in there somewhere too.I don't know if it was before or after the other things,or sometime in between.>>
<<Can you see what it is?>> <<No,>>Rowena answers simply.I am not surprised.
<<What was the red something?>> I ask <<Could you tell?>> Rowena closes her eyes,remembering
<<It looks like blood.>> She says.I turn to look at her <<Blood?>>
<<Dark red.I don't really like it,when I saw it,it heart my head.>>
<<Do you know when?>> Rowena shakes her head.
<<Some of it feels soon.The rest of it feels far away.>>
  I turn my head and I saw Elain walking through the woods with a latern

George wolfsbain a golden apple from the ancient tree that only hufflepuffl house knows but he stole from it. Said Elain....


I wanted to have something more from the golden cup with the nektar of the gods that your house has in possesion


 follow this chapter from the book of diamonds and we can teach you.

wild bees will destroy you..... why you had a gun?

Alex Lightwood

because my grandfather gave it to me


I am with him now mother

but I killed Alexes father that's not sure....ASK GEORGE


I love you Rowena 


<<It's late,are you coming?>> I had a bad felling for the muggle girl!
<<You can go,I need time to think.>>  So I followed Elain to Hogsmead.She stands on the front steps of a shack.She knocks the door a dozen times.
  When the door finally swings open,a middle aged man stands behind it.His violet cloak untucked and a crumbled piece of paper in his hand.
<<You were smaller the last time I saw you,>> he says,looking Elain over from her boots to her upswept red hair.
<<You told me where I would find you.>> <<Indeed...>> He says,turning and looking at Elain as though he has only, just noticed her presence.
<<Why you are here?>>
<<I need you to do a favor for me,Cloyd.>> She says.That name sounds familliar!
<<What might that be?>>
<<It's Godric,he was once my lover,he is one of the founders along with Rowena...He holds me there!I have to pretend I am still in love with him!And the worst thing is that they don't know my real nature.>> My heart stoped. <<And what am I supposed to do?>> <<Kill him!>>
<<That is impossible Elain he is usufull...>>
<<Not if we take the diadem that's what we wanted from the beggining...>> <<No...It's too soon,first you have to gain his trust,and perhaps we will take the sword,the cup and the locket aswell!And then make him defeat Herpo... >>


''I am listening''

Adamandia Cornflower 

come with me....

<<But is you that I want!Besides,I don't think he loves me anymore,he likes to believe so,but I have seen the way he looks at Helga!>> My heart beats faster!He had feelings for me...
<<She won't be a threat,we can easily manipulate her...>>
<<But what if they found out?>>
<<make sure that you will control your temper.>>
<<I love you!>>
<<Me too my love,I promise that we will soon have what is ours!>>
  I had to go back to the castle and worn him.

George wolfsbain

be cerful with the flowers


Because you are a Cornflower,Diamond,LOVE 

the dementors will go away....Level 12

Family is important 

the animal is a Lion hide....

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