The lost Atlantis

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Slytherin pov

Elaine Le Fay,she put the hat on to her head...


I love purebloods...they seem facinating...but all of them they come to my house for no reason...
I never hung out with mugglebornes or half-bloods....

The priests are the only ones who got away from this mess....they god....

I don't believe in god that's our difference.

One day my dreams will come true....and the true heir of Slytherin will be savier.

I love Kristen.... Stewart....just kidding i don't even know what that means....

I miss Godric my best friend but it's better this way.... and whose army?
Sory fellow...I need to survive....

I found the elixer of life....the philosopher stone...nut still I will die ....Nicolas gave it to me....You are dead but me and Kristine we are alive noone has to Know....

The battle of Hogwarts will be the answer to all your preyers....

From now I am just a memory trapped in a parchment paper...

"Why are you talking by yourself?"

"I was talking to the portrait of Godric Gryffindor"

"I hate that douches"

"That's why you will become a portrait after your death my love..."

"It's still hard for me to call me like that"

"No it's not 🤣"

"You know I loved your brother..."

"You'd rather die?"

"No I..."

"They never found your better remember that."

"I wish i was a muggleborne

"Would you like to be dead?"

"That would be a weakness..."

"you are thousands years old that would be a suecide"



((laut Eintragung in das Kirchenbuch der Garnison, nach eigener Angabe am 10. Oktober) . Er ist der älteste Sohn des Stabskapitäns und späteren Majors Joachim Friedrich von Kleist und dessen zweiter Frau Juliane Ulrike, geb. von Pannwitz. Von den sechs Geschwistern stammen zwei Schwestern (Wilhelmine und Ulrike) aus der ersten Ehe des Vaters. Den ersten Unterricht erhält Heinrich von Kleist durch einen Hauslehrer, den Theologen und späteren Rektor der Frankfurter Bürgerschule Christian Ernst Martini (1762-1833).)

So she send me and owl....and i send him back.... Godric

"Now, my excellent friend," said my companion, "you are in possession of all you need to follow my argument. We see that in the organic world, as thought grows dimmer and weaker, grace emerges more brilliantly and decisively. But just as a section drawn through two lines suddenly reappears on the other side after passing through infinity, or as the image in a concave mirror turns up again right in front of us after dwindling into the distance, so grace itself returns when knowledge has as it were gone through an infinity. Grace appears most purely in that human form which either has no consciousness or an infinite consciousness. That is, in the puppet or in the god."

"Does that mean," I said in some bewilderment, "that we must eat again of the tree of knowledge in order to return to the state of innocence?"

"Of course," he said, "but that's the final chapter in the history of the world."


ome muggles said that a young wizard...Ome of the forst greek philosophers killed him self
.....He jumped, climbed from a volcano near the mountain....he thought that would destroyed his corpse .... That's my brother....

I brought you to a safe place 😃....Germany will always be a safe place, remember that.... that's a blessing and a curse....

"I know....I love you"

"You read my thoughts again"


"Always and forever 💓"

"I will leave..."


"Kill me"

"I've never killed anyone will be a curse for my House...."


"Avada kedavra!"



Godric's POV

"Burry me with her"

"You know the rule of breaking the unbreakable vow....we will doe together...."

"I know...."

"I have to protect Hogwarts..."

"I have to stop...."

"As you please....

And I saw him one last the forest....a long beard ....and a Smokey we said goodnight 😌

P.s I love you Know who is beating.

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