Lily and Felice

10 1 0


"1) I will always love you.
2) I will never leave you alone.
3) I will do everything I can to make you happy.
4) I will provide for you and the children as much as conditions allow.
5) I won't object to you providing for me.
6) I won't look at pretty girls anymore, at most to confirm that you're prettier.
7) I won't come home late very often.
8) I will try to grind my teeth quietly at night.
9) I will always love you.
10) I will always love you.
Until further notice.

Whats your real name?

Charlotte Elisabeth Wust


And yours.....?

Felice....Can I call you Lily?

Yes.....Why Am I in the platform 9 and 3 quorters?

Because you are a first year now.....again after the war you forgot....


I don't know wanna go in?

I don't know....I lived something there......It was the tenderest love you could imagine.... I was fairly experienced with men, but with him I reached a far deeper under-standing of sex than ever before....There was an immediate attraction, and we flirted outrageously.... I began to feel alive as I never had before....he was my other half, literally my reflection, my mirror image, and for the first time I found love aesthetically beautiful, and so tender....Twice since she left, I've felt her breath, and a warm presence next to me. I dream that we will meet again - I live in hope.

Wow you speak like our new headmaster....

how is he?

haven't you heard?


The four foundersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora