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Salazar's POV

Rowena Ravenclaw sits at a desk surrounded by piles of books.She ran out o space for her library some time ago,piles of them fuction as tables,others hang suspended from the ceiling,along with large golden cages holding several live white doves.
A large black raven sleeps uncaged alongside with the history of magic.She is reading an open book filled with signs and symbols and signatures procured from other pieces of paper.
She has a notebook and a pen,attempting to decipher the system the book is written in.The raven stirs and caws at something in the shadows...
<<Hrmph>> I cleared my throat.Rowena ignored me as I leaned over her shoulder,watching her flil through the inscribed pages.
<<This is a god-awful mess>> I said <<A language you cannot speak yourself is not necessarily a god-awful mess>>Rowena says transceibing a line of symbols into her notebook.
<<This is a messy work,bindings and charms>> I floated to the other side of the desk to get a better look <<You are special.You are beyond this,this use of tools and constructs.There is so much more you could accomplish with your talents.>>
<<There are more things in heaven and earth,Salazar,than are dreamt of in your philosophy.>>
<<So tell me what are you reading?>> <<It's latin>>
<<You are to intellegent.I expected more of you>>
<<I apologize for not living up to your absurt expectations.Don't you have anyone else to bother?>
<<Well Godric is taking a nap and as I always say Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus>> She looked impressed <<Latin...I see>>
<<That is the only phrase I know and I can assure you,this is gonna be Hogwart's moto one day...>>
<<Never tickle a sleeping dragon?>> <<You will soon understand the importanse of this words>>
<<Go away Salazar!>>Rowena says through clenched teeth,trying to control herself.
<<You cannot keep pushing me away>> I said,and somebody knoked the door <<Come in>> Helga and Godric entered the room.
<<Gelbert is dead!The Basilisk killed him...>>I didn't cared about this filthy muggle,but still the things had gotten serious
<<We should kill it!>> Said Godric,making an ostentation of his courage once more,but I had already a plan. <<No...I am the only one who speaks to snakes...We should control him...>>

comment please if you reached this chapter....because death of alexander was also in scottish history.

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