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Godric's POV

  It is no mystery why this place has been named the Dark Forest,no one can be certain what is lurking in the thick woods.remindes me Edward of the north king....A good vampire i once met.....
To a muggle,the forest would have seemed completely untouched and unseen by human eyes.It was dangerous,I knew it when I saw the enormus creature!
  We all took our sits,Salazar took a sip of his wine and put his glass down on the table,he steadily returns the stare aimed at me
<<Helga and I ,saw something in the forest beyond our imagination...>>
I explained them but I didn't receive any reaction,dinner passes the same way it has for years,
strethes of silence broken by Helga's attempts at polite conversation and Salazar's occasional sighs.
  I couldn't stand any longer,I punched my fist on the table and  the three of them looked at me
<<What is wrong with you?There is a beast at the forest,It is known that the Basilisk has arge yellow eyes. These eyes have the power to instantly kill anyone who looks into them. Basilisk skin is armoured like that of a dragon's, which deflects spells cast upon it
...I thought we were going to do something about it...>>
I could only feel anger,every inch of my body was intense
<<No what Is wrong with you Godric?Obviously you went to the forest to check for the beast with Helga,I thought that We were best friends...But don't worry I know You were always the braver one here,but please in that case I am sure you will find a way on your own.>>
  <<I thought you were to busy already,besides today we have the shorting>>
I couldn't believe those words were coming from Salazar
<<Yeah right,go tell your speach make us proud Gryffindor!>> I could say that for the first time in many years I felt Salazar was jealous of me,I was betrayed.
  He left the hall furious,I knew where he was already,So few minutes before the ceremony I found him there,in front of that mirror.
When I am looking at that mirror,I can see the village. I grow up in the West Country of England. It is a small community, which centres on a village square only a church,and a pub, but still so many memories in it.I imagine that Salazar sees his childhood as well,he spends a lot of time in front of the mirror.
  <<I am sorry....my fellow,you should probably have the speach this year...But you should warn the students for the beast...>> he made that familiar smirk <<I  always get what I want eventually>> <<You wish>> I smiled at him
<<I believe we all should have a speach this
I nodded,
<<We should make a vow>>
he looked curious...
<<The unbreakable vow,that we are going to be friends no matter what>>
he laughed
<<Stop acting like we are children Gryffindor>>
<<If one of us breake the vow...He will be dead>>
I said, I took out my wand and I reached out my hand
<<Do you accept those terms?>>

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