a parentheses.

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Gorgoyl POV
Flash back....

-Muggles burnt my face brother....

-What do you mean?

-I am finished i will never see the sun again,I will never feel a witches touch....

-Don't you have any other questions?

-About what?

-About witchcraft....

-I know to match already....


-Okey you have to go to the base of the plains of the everlasting love.

-What Happened there?

-A fine witch Rowena Ravenclaw....

- The Wisest witch in the whole world.... I'd rather stay here.....

-An Oprah isn't the perfect place to stay the night....

-I am not alive anymore brother .I died in that muggle fire ,you have to get over me....

- I will build a safe place Gorgoyl....

-There is no place safer than the Opera....

-You are just a phantom,you can't leave,but I ll find a place where we both will leave....

-Offcourse.... you are not sure.....

-I am certain.

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