"Nope." he retorted and led us downstairs and out of the old church.

~ • ~

When we arrived at the bar, I let my eyes dart around for a brief second; some young men were sitting on the barstools, another group of guys were talking loudly and laughing in the far back of the bar while a few other couples relaxed in the booths. My attention was drawn away from the people in there when Kol suddenly led us to the table near the big window. At least I was near the exit, just in case something went wrong.

"So Davina Claire," he cleared his throat, eyeing me warily, "What would you like to drink?"

I stood puzzled for a moment. Well, I wasn't an expert when it came to drinking.

The Mikealson seemed to have seen just right through me, releasing a small chuckle once again.

"I get it. You haven't drunk any kind of alcohol in the past. Don't worry love, I'll decide for you," he winked seductively and glanced at the waitress who, surprisingly enough, seemed to be waiting for us to decide the whole time. When did she come anyway?

The vampire whispered something in her ear and, as the young woman nodded with a smile, she span around and left. But while I was watching her figure walking away, I could easily sense Kol's eyes on me, scanning my expressions carefully. When I turned my head to finally look at him, he did not dare to turn his gaze away; no, in fact, he enjoyed this silent eye-contact battle way more than I thought. I raised my eyebrow suspiciously.

"Will you be staring at me the whole time or  will we do something more practical, like, talk?" I must have sounded more sarcastic than I had intended to but, oh well. Of course, it didn't seem to have bothered him to the slightest, something which managed to annoy me even more.

Instead, the edges of his lips curved up into a smile; he leaned back to his seat, simply shrugging his shoulders. "If you want to talk love, then talk. I am all ears."

Oh so that's how you're going to be, "darling"? I can play along as well.

"Fine. Then answer me this, Kol. Why me?"

My question must have confused him, as his eyebrows suddenly formed a perfect straight line and a wrinkle appeared on his forehead. "What why you?" he repeated.

"I mean, why did you choose me at the ball? Why did you approach me back there? Why did you try to kiss me although you had nothing to earn from that? Why all this Kol? Why are we even here, right now?"

He wiggled his eyebrows, a playful grin replacing the smile from before. "You wanted to go somewhere else then?" he asked, bitting slightly his lip.

I narrowed my eyes. "Just answer, please."

He stood still for a moment, lowering his gaze sceptically. Tgen, he simply sighed, giving up on his efforts-to-be-seductive. "Intuition, Davina. I have a very good intuition."

"... Intuition?" I mouthed, gaping.

"I knew there was something special about you from the moment we met."

"And what about the kiss?" I asked sharply, the anger from before coming back again. Somehow, his answers sounded very enigmatic that moment and they weren't what I was expecting or wanted to hear.

But as he was about to open his mouth to respond, the waitress showed up again, placing our drinks on the table. He lifted his head up, winking at the girl. "Thank you, love."

The waitress gave him a shy smile, trying to hide a bigger one that was about to appear next; it was obvious even to me that she had been magnetised not only by his good looks, but also by that mysterious aura he was always giving off.

Two Strangers #Book 1 *EDITING TWICE*Where stories live. Discover now