Începe de la început

She shows me her computer. "The fund is extended. It will cover textbooks and the rest of the money will be yours"

"Fucking Stark" I mutter I snatch my schedule. "Thankyou"

I go back to my car. I dial Tony's number.

"What" he respond.

"You paid for my university?!" I yell into the phone.

"Is that it?" He replies calmly.


"Don't feel special you won the raffle" he says not really caring.

"I didn't enter a raffle Stark" I reply bitterly.

"Yeah you did. You entered when you became my friend." He replies.

"Oh! Stupid me I didn't read the terms and conditions" I remark.

"Haven't I taught you better?" He says playing along.

"My bad dude. Anyway thanks" I reply.

"Pepper wants to talk to you" he replies. He hands the phone to pepper.

"Maggie, heyy!" She says tony just handed the phone to her.

"Uhh hey pepper. Yeah Tony's an idiot. Anyway peace out !" I reply cutting the line.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"Alright university here I come" I mutter getting out of my car.

I walk to my first lecture. Where I sit down next to this girl.

"This you're first time?" She asks.

"More like second round" I reply.

"Drop out?" She asks.

"Na, just thought I could get a better degree. Bachelors" I reply.

"Well good luck this class if for students that are here for their PhD" she says smirking.

"I'm Ayako" she says.

"Maggie" I reply. Getting a notebook out.

"Morning class." The professor walks into the class.

"We'll be starting on codes" he says putting a presentation on. I look at the code.

Decrypting. My brain automatically shoot the answers.

"Does anyone know what would this photo consist of?" He asks. I don't reply cause that shits wack.

"It's cryptic" he says smirking.

My face scrunches at the answer. I raise my hand.

"Wouldn't it be decryption?" I ask once I have his attention.

"I think I would know
Ms..." he say looking at me.

"Magdalena Ford." I reply. "The code embedded has minus and the sequence 3456 is a decryption code mostly seen in local networks. And telling from the 56- at the end of the sequence. The access was denied because of the error in 37a1"

His eyes squint in curiosity. "object in C++?"

"object is a package that contains related data and instructions. The data relates to what the object represents, while the instructions define how this object relates to other objects and itself." I reply easily.

"What's your experience kid?" He asks.

"Non at all" I reply.

"Alright class It's decryption" he says. "Decryption" he mutters.

The kid behind me turns around. "You're ass better explain what the hell just spewed out of you mouth."

"Isaiah smith" he says.

"I hope you heard my name" I say.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

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