Peanut butter fudge and carrots

Start from the beginning

"Watch out, Harry!", Mioha heard Ginny's faint laugh as she flew across the courtyard, the bushes growing on the side swaying dangerously from the strong draft she created.

Below her, she saw Professor Flitwick and Professor Vector crossing the courtyard, the latter wearing a tall, pointed hat that flew off her head when Mioha soared past them.

"Sorry, Professors!", Mioha called back and saw how Professor Flitwick stumbled when the wind pushed him backwards. Professor Vector said something that could have been a scolding, judging from her facial expression, but Mioha couldn't hear her because after another wing beat, she had left the courtyard behind her.

Up she went, left, right, down, until the world seemed to spin around her in a blue blur. She flew a tight curve to the left and soared above the entrance of the castle. Down she flew above the path leading through the grass to the gates, and up ahead she saw the finishing line. In less than a second she had passed it and beat her wings to slow done. She flew a wide curve and descended to Hagrid, who gave her a thumbs-up.

"Nice flyin', eh?", he smiled as she landed next to the half-giant.

"Thanks", Mioha grinned and looked up. Harry was the next one to finish the race and he flew around them before landing next to Hagrid.

"Hope Hermione's alright", said Harry, sounding a little out of breath as he descended his broom. His glasses had fogged up a bit and he took them off his nose and wiped them clean on the hem of his robes.

Hermione had fallen far behind them, obviously struggling to catch up. Professor Snape was zooming around on his black broom (he didn't seem to own any other colors), commenting on Fred's technique and telling George off for trying to fly a shortcut.

"You're fast", Harry grinned at her as he held his broom vertically and leaned on it. "Thank Merlin you're not on the Slytherin team."

"Thanks", Mioha smirked.
"I guess that means I can eat your dessert now, right?"

Twenty minutes later, all seven students were in the Great Hall. The house tables had been removed and replaced with many round ones where ten people could sit. In another week, half of the Order's members would arrive to train. Since the total number of members had increased to 600 people, that meant the castle would be filled with at least 300.

Besides Mioha, none of her friends were official Order members, which meant that except for their training, they wouldn't be allowed to participate in the meetings. And Harry would have to return to his aunt and uncle in three weeks, although he dreaded it. At least he would be able to live with Sirius at Grimmauld Place at the end of August.

The Great Hall was empty at the moment besides the seven students, who ate their lunch with gusto after their hard practice.

"It's hopeless", Hermione groaned and let her head fall forward into the palms of her hands. "I'm never going to learn how to fly."

"It's acwually preddy simble", munched Ron eagerly with his mouth full of mashed potatoes. "I can bractice wif you domorrow if you wand."

Hermione shot him a look that was both grateful and disgusted at the same time.
"Learn some table manners and I might accept that offer."

Ron swallowed hurriedly.

Meanwhile, Ginny and Harry were chatting lively, not noticing the knowing looks that passed between Mioha and Fred.

Something brown shot down from the ceiling and landed next to Mioha's plate.

"I saw you flying", chirped Esma and helped herself to a peck of Mioha's pumpkin pie. "Not bad. Hedwig and Sisi are impressed."

Hidden Wings - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now