°8•Past revelations

226 19 4


For the rest of the weekend, all I thought about was that kiss. I know it’s a waste of time on my part, but I can’t help myself.

Stupid guy!

Stupid Johnny!

Stupid me!

“What made you suddenly so cranky?” Viola asks me while she drives to school.

Should I tell her what happened between Johnny and me on Saturday after she left? Maybe I should. I know she’ll understand, thanks to the fact that she cares about Ian. I know she won’t say it out loud, but it's clear as day that she does.

It would be better if I let this matter rest for now. I’m not ready to share this with anyone, not even with her. I trust her, I do, but I want to keep Johnny to myself for a while, even though he’s not technically mine.

“It’s my sister. sometimes she drives me crazy.” As far as I know, a white lie hasn't hurt anyone. Besides, it’s not a total lie.

“Well, I’m disappointed and sad at the same time.” Viola lets out.

“Why?” I ask her.

“Ian, what else?” She sounds frustrated. “His parents weren’t home on Saturday night, so he took that as an advantage to bring a girl back to his room.”

I arch my brows. “I’m afraid to ask this, but how do you know?”

“He’s my neighbour. From my bedroom window, I can see his room. Can you believe it?”

My eyes widen. “What?”

“Haven’t I told you that before? How do you think he and I became friends when we were little?”

“So that’s what made you so cranky.” I make an observation.

“Wouldn’t you if you saw Johnny with some bitch?” Viola gets straight to the point.

Oh, shit! I will see Johnny and the famous queen bee all over each other.

Ugh! Why did I let him kiss me again?

“I need to tell you something, but don’t make a big deal out of it. Above all, keep your eyes on the road. Johnny Lockwood and I kissed on Saturday afternoon.”

She turned her head to look at me. “YOU DID WHAT?”

“Eyes on the road! Eyes on the road!”

“How? When? Where? Wait! Wait! Wait! Let me get this straight. You kissed the most popular guy in our school?” She has a hard time believing my words.

“I’ll tell you everything. It meant nothing.”

I don’t know if I tried to convince her or myself.

“Of course it does….”

“No, it doesn’t!” I cut her off. “After I tell you, I don’t want to speak of it ever again. You have to promise me.”

She lifts her right hand while still driving. “I promise.”

I told her everything, the asshole who stalked me, what happened in the store, what Johnny did to save me for me, the way home, and finally, the famous kiss.

“Why did it bother you so much to see Ian with another girl? I already know you love him, but I feel there is more to it, so spill it!” It’s her run to give some answers.

“What’s there to talk about?” Oh, I see. She’s a tough one to crack.

“Come on, give me something, anything. I just spilled my beans. Now it’s your turn, missy.”

Viola sighs. “Well, if you want to know, about a month ago at a party, Ian and I slept together, and yes, before you ask, he was my first. The problem is, I don’t think he remembers our night together. We were both wasted that night. I woke up the next day and left before he did.”


“I felt ashamed, and I preferred to run instead of dealing with it. Now I regret my actions.” Viola clears her throat. “Can we change the subject, please? It still hurts when I think of this.”

“Ok, but know that I am here for you.”

“Same here, Miss S.D.,” Viola says mockingly.

“Oh no, not this again? I thought we got past that!” I say, and Viola chuckles.

I prefer to see her like this then see her moping. It can’t be easy for her to see Ian every day with some random girl in his lap while she’s right there.

What if he remembers, and he’s ashamed of it because, like me, she’s average, and he’s famous?

Let’s forget that Ian is famous, and she isn’t. What if Ian feels the same way for Viola, and he’s irritated by how she handled the situation? Why bring girls into his room if he has feelings for Viola?

What about Johnny and me? What was that? Oh, my God! I have to stop thinking about all the possibilities. It’s giving me a migraine.

As usual, as we arrive at school, the other students play, talk, argue, etc. Team popular gathered in their bubbles, sitting above the stairs. I can feel someone watching me. I look their way, and who do I see staring at me? Johnny almighty himself!

But now, something different from how he looks, I can see the hunger in his eyes, and I am his prey.

What the hell is he doing? What if someone sees him looking my way?

Mental note, I have to speak to him about this before someone notices, and it comes back to bite me in the ass.

Damn it, Hanna! Look away already! I scold myself, and I do exactly that.

There, the problem is averted.

Hashtag, Nothing good can come of this!

I take Viola by the hand and start dragging her up the stairs before doing something stupid as I see that bitch Fiona hanging too close to Johnny, then necessary.

Don’t look!

Don’t look!

Don’t look!

Hashtags. I’m in trouble, and his name is Johnny fucking Lockwood!

Before entering school, I deliberately turn my head to look at him, trying not to be so evident as I play with my hair. To my surprise, he’s right behind me while Viola is beside me. My friend sees nothing. I feel his hand brushing lightly over mine as he passes me while he speaks with Ian.

I go to my locker to collect the things I need for my first period. Walking down the hall, I suddenly feel someone grab me by my upper arm to drag me into an empty classroom.

“What the fuck’s wrong with you dragging me around like this?” I snap at Johnny while I retract my arm from his hold.

He silences me as he grabs and kisses me with the same hunger I saw earlier in his eyes. The nerve of this guy; if I didn't enjoy that kiss, I would tell him what I thought of his arrogance.

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