°5•The substitute

226 19 7


"Hello, we never had the chance to introduce ourselves. My name is Fiona Evans. We have the same period with Miss Sutherland's class." She introduces herself to me as she sits before me.

When I look at her, I realize that she's the queen bee from yesterday. The one who drooled all over Jerry with the rest of her tribe. The one who called me the limp.

What does she want now?

"Good for you," I reply to her. What? Just because I'm not the same person I was once that I became stupid. I know how the game works around here.

Look at that. I offended her; she didn't like my answer.

"I don't normally do this, but I'm here to give you an upgrade. A way for you to become popular." Miss queen Bee smiles as if she won this round.

As I said, I'm not stupid. She's doing this because Jerry is my brother-in-law.

"Been there, done that. Sorry, but I'm not interested. I like to be my own person." I see the surprise on her face after saying that. She didn't expect me to turn down such an offer.

"Humph, Your lost then. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." She turns and walks away from me with her nose way up high.

While I see her walking toward the 'popular' table, someone else catches my attention. Not because I am looking at him but because he is the one staring. When he sees that I catch him looking at me, he grabs Fiona by the wrist, brings her to his lap, and kisses her. Without shame, Johnny brings his eyes back to me while still kissing her.

Ugh, get a room!

Wait, why do I keep looking at them, and why do I suddenly feel some kind of jealousy?

When Viola sits before me, she blocks my view of them.

I could kiss her for that fact.

"So what did 'Miss I'm the queen of the world' wanted with you?" She asks as I detect the worry in her voice. "Are you going to be with them now?" She keeps asking, pointing behind her with her thumb.

"She wanted me to join her little club." Eew! They keep kissing like two hungry people.

"Will you?" Viola asks with worry.

I know why she's afraid. Viola has already lost a long-lost friend, and she fears I will do the same.

"Not now. Not ever." I inform her and see her smile at my answer.

"What are we looking at?" She turns around and looks at their table. When she sees what has captured my attention, Viola turns around to look back at me.

"Don't go there. Trust me on this. Johnny and Fiona is a story you don't want to get involved in. They are kind of an on-and-off relationship. She's the queen, and he's the king here."

"Don't worry, I'm not, and I know how it works. In my other school, it was the same, although the queen was prettier than her, and she never behaved like a slut!" Shit, I sound like I'm jealous. It sounded way better in my head.

Viola snorts. "I hate people like them."

"Hope you don't hate me then," I say without thinking.

Viola titles her head to the side. "What do you mean?"

Too late to back down now! I decided to tell her my entire story until the reason I transferred here. The person I was before my accident, my parents, the promise to myself to never be that person again, the whole shebang. I hope she won't see me differently now.

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