Sam and I make our way out not knowing what's in the box cage.

"Sam I think it moved" I extend my hands so the box far away from me.

We care fully put it on a bench and open it.

Our mouths fall open. What in the actual fuck.

"Steve's gonna have a fit" Sam comments.

"We're keeping it" I reply. Sam nods.

"Do we hid it?" He questions.

"Yeah?" I question. We carefully seal the box back.

"There you are" we hear Steve says. "What's in the box?"

"We won an old plushy at the trivia table" I reply lying swiftly. I hand the box to Sam.

"I'll be in the car. With AC because it would be very irresponsible if I didn't" he yells god he's bad.

"We're done here Sam. I think we should all head back" I say patting his back.

"Here is a turtle I bought" Steve says handing me a little aquarium with a little turtle.

"I'm gonna name him squishy" I reply cooing.

"Let's go home" Steve replies. Oh I'm gonna here it from him.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"What should we name it?" I ask Sam. We're outside with the thing.

"Shrimp" Sam say petting it.

"Shrimp it is" I reply petting its little nose. "It's so freaking cute."

"What are you doing?" A voice says behind us. Sam and I scramble hiding shrimp.

"What is that behind you?" He persisted.

"Sam run" I yell.

Before sam can grab shrimp. Steve grabs my leg throwing me behind his back.

"Ahhh nooo" I yell hitting his back. He see's shrimp.

"You're kidding" he says putting me down.

"It's cute." Sam says defensively.

"We wanted a kitten after the house was done" I remark.

"Sweetie. That's not kitten. That's a Pig" he says in a slow tone.

I gasp covering shrimps little ears. "How dare you call my child a pig. His name is shrimp!"

"It's a pig!" Steve says exasperation lacing his voice.

"Wow that's low even for you cap" Sam replies holding shrimp to his chest.

"You two are children" Steve replies. He tries to take shrimp. "He can't stay we..."

"He's our child! He will not be going to adoption. You impulsive fucking imbecile" I threatened.

"Shrimp will not go into foster care!" I start to protest. "And we will fight for custody. Back me up"

"We have top attorneys that will beat your ass in court" Sam says narrowing his eyes.

"Fine" Steve say gruffly.

"Yay!" I yell hugging Steve. He pats my head.

"Can I hold our child?" He questions.

"It's sam and I's child. Sorry we won him" I reply. Steve narrows his eyes.

"You can be the uncle?" I nervously say. His eyes narrow "Step-father?"

He holds shrimp. Shrimp doesn't do much beside oink a couple times.

"Great a pig in house" Steve mutters kissing the top of its little head.

"Let's go inside" he says carrying him into the house cooing him the whole way.

"He loves him" I reply seeing Steve going into the house.

"Yeah" Sam says wiping a tear from his face.

"You're an emotional fuck. Get it together man" I shake my head.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

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