(Analogical) Leave or cuddles?

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Eeeeeeh yeah😅

Not edited!

Logan's pov.

I was in my room. Everything was going just right... Until I suddenly fell to the floor, my chest tightening. I heard a faint knock, but figured it would be another trait's door. That was until I saw Virgil enter. I stood up "straight" as good as I could, I tried to say something to him, but my voice was like corrupted. "Logan" Virgil reaches out to me, but something in me made me back away and flinch. "What's happening?" My voice returned "do you feel anxious?" "No! No offence, but that's your job" his eyes softened at me... Why?
"Logan I think you're having a panic attack" he carefully said "NO!" I screamed "I CAN'T BE... I..I'm Logic" I felt my cheeks get warm and wet. Is this tears? I turned around ashamed and confused.

Virgil's pov.

There he stood. His back to me, forcing the tears running down his cheeks away, only for more to fall down. I could sense his bad vibes, he started to tremble and I could see how his knees would give out any moment.

I decided to go and hug him from behind. I could feel his weight fall back on my own, his body collapsing. "I'm sorry" he mumbled, "don't be" I lifted him as good as I could and placed him on the bed. "It's okay Logan, you're not a Robot after all" he grabbed my shirt and pulled me down, so I ended on top of him. He placed his arms around me and hugged me close crying harder. "I'm sorry" he repeated. I tried to look at him, but his grasp kept me still. "It's okay-" "No, you don't get it" he loosened it now, sitting up with me in his lap. My face got redder from how my actual crush is having me in his lap. "You can leave if you want. Sorry I shouldn't have done that" Logan looked away, I could see how his eyes were puffy, red, he looked tired and lost. His vibes was stronger now and I could see how he turned back to his "Robitic" state. I turned his head back to me, still having my hand on his head. Before I could stop myself I had leaned in and kissed him.
He immediately kissed back, and I swear I could feel my heart beating fast. We pulled apart from the kiss, a string of salvia hanging from our lips, still connecting us. "I'll leave now" Logan places his hands and arms around my hips pulling me closer, he placed his head on my shoulder then "please stay... I like you Virgil... Even tho feelings aren't my side" my heart melted even more "okay I'll stay. Cuddles?" He nodded and got down again, me following him and placing a blanket on top of us.

That was one of the best nights.

| That's it! Just a sweet lil analogically for those who gets to here UwU
It's totally not late here😅
Anyway new episode tomorrow! Aaaaahhhh I'm scared (yet excited!)
Word count: 520 words |

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