(Logince) Pillowcastle and Pain?! Pt. 2

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This is the dangerous part...
Kiddos, please stay out of this! Be safe!

This is s m u t ⚠️⚠️⚠️

Third person pov.

"Roman held his hips so he couldn't move...

Or so he thought-"

A silent whimper came from him and Roman was now hard. Instead of keeping Logan still on him, he aggressively, yet passionately made Logan go fast in his lap. He could hear Logan beginning to pant. "Oh Logie Bear... We haven't even removed a single piece of cloth" Roman whispered as seductive as possible. Logan moaned out silently and Roman swore he heard bells ringing, so beautiful it sounded.

Now he held Logan's hips still stopping him. "Aaah.. Roman" He looked up at the prince, only getting a smirk in return.
Roman lifted Logan up and let him out to the imagination, where he had a secret log, for himself to, without getting interrupted. He opened the door, smacked it close, went fast to the bedroom, where he threw Logan down and climbed over. Logan's eyes widened and his lips parted a little. Now it was Roman's turn to attack his neck, him making sure to mark him all up. Logan tried his best to keep moans and groans in, but you couldn't say he succeeded fully. When Roman found his sweet spot, his hand flew to his mouth and his back arched up. Roman lifted himself up slightly to look at Logan. "Oh no no lolo, no one is going to hear you here... Except for me of course! And I want to hear your sweet melody and screams!" Roman said. "Now remove your hand" Logan did as told and layed down as before. Roman again went right back to his sweet spot, attacking it, sucking it and lastly biting down so hard it bleed "AaAh" Logan got out, still trying to keep it in. Roman licked it, letting it cool down. He sat back up and took off Logan's (practically his lmao) and his own shirt, so they were both topless. Again he started attacking Logan's body.
"Fuck I love you Logan" his hands trailed down to his pants and slipped right under. "Can I?" He asked, getting a nod from an eager Logan.

He took off their pants and started rubbing his own dick with Logan's. Again Logan covered his mouth "What did I tell you baby?" Roman said pushing it away again and kissing him. He parted "Can I fuck you?" "I..yeah! Please" Roman started taking off their boxers, before summoning lube.

He put lube on three of his fingers, slowly pushing one in. Then two, making scissoring motion and lastly the third.

Logan tried his hardest to keep his moans there, and a last time his hand flew up to his mouth again.

"You really can't stop doing that can you?" Roman said, smirking "guess we'll have to do it another way" he took out his fingers and went under the bed to get something Logan could not see, but soon he found out.
Roman tied up Logan's hands to the bed "Now you can't prevent it" he smiled and went down to kiss Logan again. "Roman hurry!" "Oh yeah, it's not like it's 3am" "Roman it's 4am" "Oh" they laughed for a short time, before Roman finally lubed himself up and got a green signal from Logan.

He pushed in slowly, since Logan already had been in pain from before and he wanted it to be good. When he was all the way in he waited for Logan to get used to it.
The logical side started moving a bit, signalling for Roman to start. Roman catched it and pulled out his dick almost all the way out, just to slam back into Logan. "Aaah~ shit" Logan muttered. Roman went at a steady and slow pace, but Logan wanted more. He started thrusting back on Roman in sync with his moves, but Roman did nothing. "God..Roman! Faster" Logan said, wanting him to understand and just wreck him.

Roman speeded up and eventually found Logan's G-Spot. "AaAAH~ THERE" Logan threw back his head, eyes closed, while Roman abused his poor hole. Logan felt a million feelings, which he normally would have denied and put aside, but in the moment he couldn't, but to embrace them and let them rule his mind and body. Full sentences was now not a thing, only things as "god" "yes" "there" between all his moaning and panting.

Soon they both felt a knot in their stomach and knew. "Close... Aaaah.. Ro- please" Logan tried to take control of himself, but it was all overwhelming his normally functional brain. "Me too, you can come" Roman smiled at Logan, looking so messy and hot.

A minute later Logan came and soon followed by Roman. "Waow, pretty good" Roman exclaimed. Logan smiled, he felt fucked out. His hands burning slightly, the ropes would sure leave mark, with the rest of his already marked up body. Roman pulled out, making the poor boy wince. "Thanks" Logan said, hugging Roman when he had untied him.


They both got cleaned, dressed and went back to the other two in Roman's room. They were fast asleep, so Logan and Roman went over and pulled them into a giant cuddle-puddle.

| That's it? Man it's night, stop judging me! And hey you read down here soooo 0-0
I need coffee to survive now...
Word count: 907 words |

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