(LAMP- more of Logince) Pillowcastle and Pain?

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Just wanted to try... Anyway some sweet lemon/fluff?
Or some almost - smut?
(End up as more of a Logince-oneshot)

T/W - Blood, pain, grinding on another person, making out, (if more just comment it)

Third person pov.

"LOGAN! VIRGIL!" Roman ran towards them, grabbed their shirts and dragged them into his room. It was big and bright, to the other sides disliking. Patton was already on the bed, with a questioning look over his face.
Roman pushed the other two, to his large bed and smiled wide. "Aaah, now I have you all here" he said, his boyfriends just sitting there waiting for what Roman has planned.

"Why are you all looking at me like that? Is it something on my face?" Roman ran to a mirror, getting a small giggle from Patton, a smirk from Virgil and a stone-face as almost always by Logan. "No, you literally just pushed us into your room" Logan pushed his glasses up, before continuing "and yet, still you have not said a word of as why" Roman now seemed to understand and smiled again.

He went to the three boys and dramatically, but carefully jumped onto them. "I miss you, and I want to spend time with you! So here we are gathered for A NIGHT IN THE PILLOW CASTLE!" Roman said as he pointed to a big corner, none of them surprisingly hadn't noticed before now.

He took Patton and Logan's hand, as Patton took Virgil's too. They all went over, where blankets and pillows were, their favourite snacks and drinks and a movie ready to be played.


Roman looked around to his boyfriends, all drifted into a peaceful sleep (so far).
It made him smile, they were all somewhat cuddled up, so he placed a blanket over them all and slowly fell asleep, feeling safe with his boyfriends surrounding him.

~Quick Timeskip again~

Roman woke to a weird sound, like sniffling or whimpering. He didn't think much, since he was still somewhat asleep, but a sudden trembling made him open his eyes fully. He sat up and looked around, but he couldn't make out what/who was causing it. He turned on a smaller light, that wouldn't wake up the others when turned on. He looked to see a person in blue shorts and one of Roman's white bedding-shirts, to be shaking. He gently took the side into his arms, the body still trembling.

After, he lifted the boy, to not have the other two wake up as well. The boy in his arms was still shaking. He could not make out if it was Patton or Logan, since the two both had same similar clothes on for the night being, but he swore to keep the side safe.

He went down to the living room, and got shocked when he turned the light on. He looked at the side in his arms... His face tear stained, scratch marks and even blood places. The body had calmed down a bit, but was still shaking.

Roman sat on the couch, carefully placing Logan's body on his lap. "Oh dear" he said. Out of them all, he had not expected Logan to be the one like this, maybe Virgil would have, bc.... Yeah... Anxiety...
But Logan? The No-feels-trait? (As he himself would say)

"It's okay" Roman repeated, with sweet nothings. Logan's body calmed, but the side himself, seemed to be in a whole other dimension.

Once more Roman almost had a stroke, as Logan woke up suddenly and started crying. Roman hugged him and let him cling to him, as was he his lifeline. Logan realised what he was doing and sat back from Roman, but still in his lap.
"M..my apologi..se... That's was very-" "unprofessional of you?" "Yes" Logan answered, but Roman had none of it, he put his finger under Logan's head. "Listen it's okay! I'm not perfect either... AND I AM A PRINCE?!" He whisper-shouted. Logan slightly smiled, but immediately stopped, wincing in pain. Roman noticed this..

"How did this happen? Are you okay?" Roman asked, but Logan looked away ignoring it. "Logan can yo-" Roman tried, but before he could finish his sentence Logan had smashed his lips with Roman's ignoring the pain being shot through his body.
Yet again the prince noticed and tried to back off to keep Logan safer, but Logan was not in for it...

Logan pushed himself closer to Roman's body as he started a make out session. An idea popping into the logical man's head. He parted for air, but mainly to continue his plan, without getting interrupted. "Log~AN" Prince whisper-shouted as Logan Now was starting to kiss and suck his neck, while also slowly grinding on him. "I..mmh.. wha.." the prince was lost, just getting to receive pleasure. "Ssshh" Logan whispered, nibbling at the prince's ear. Roman took hold of Logan's hips now, stopping him from moving...

Or so Logan thought thought-

|Part 2? I'll probably do so anyway...
And hey! Another chapter? Yeess!
Is it with Logan? Yes...
Oh Welp, don't know how I myself am I doing rn...
Later peeps!!
Word count: 868 words |

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