Inko: "They sure are excited huh Toshi."

Toshi: "Yup, but thats to be expected from two 4 year olds when it comes to the possible quirk they'll possess."

Inko:"Yeah you think they will get my quirk or yours or maybe a combination of the two?"

Toshi: "Who knows? But what if one or both of them are quirkle-"

Inko: "Dont finish that sentence."
She says with a dark undertone

Toshinori just shrugs his shoulders and gets ready to start cooking breakfast. If something like that were to happen then they'll deal with it one way or another.

Once everyone was finished getting dressed they went to the dining room to eat breakfast so that they can leave for the doctor. The twins hastily eat their food and go to the door and put on their shoes with their mother right behind them.

As they get in the car and make their way to the doctor, the two children are in the back acting like All Might, laugh and all. After a good 20 minute drive to the doctor and an annoyingly long test they are finally able to find out what their quirks are. The doctor comes in with a blank look on his which soon turns into one of sadness upon looking at the boy,something that Inko picks up almost instantly. The doctor takes a seat in his chair and looks at the family wishing he wasn't the one that had to tell the family the news, but he takes a deep breath and gets his words in order.

Doctor: "Ok im back with the results but i have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Inko: "I'll take the bad news first please"

Doctor: "As you wish. So I'll make this short, unfortunately your son is quirkless."

Izuku freezes up in shock and sadness. He wasn't expecting this. He wanted a cool quirk so that he can be a hero and yet here he is, just being told that he is quirkless. He looks at Izumi and she is in the same state as he is. While it wasn't her that was told they were quirkless, she was just as shocked and sad as he was. Meanwhile their mother had a different look on her face. It was much colder and one that screamed anger. That was a look that neither of them liked.

Inko: "I'm sorry, what did you say?" She says with visible anger. She looks at Izuku with disgust and anger

Doctor: "Your son is quirkless ma'am. Im sorry kid." He says with sincere sadness

Inko: "I see and what about the good news."

Doctor:"Right, the good news is your daughter does have a quirk and a pretty strong one at that." He says with a small bit of worry not for himself no,but for the child he unintentionally doomed to have a difficult life and hopefully not a short one. He has seen that look in many parents eyes and he knew what might happen once they are out of sight of the public eye.

Inko,not knowing the doctor's internal turmoil, perked up with happiness knowing that at least one of her children isn't a complete failure.

Inko: "So tell me, what kind of quirk my daughter has. We're both dying to know." She says with excitement which the daughter copies as well wanting to know her quitk as well.

Doctor: "Well to put it simply, she has a sort of telekinetic ability that's,no offence, far stronger than yours. Given time and training she would be able to lift up a building with a bit of struggle.
But the drawback is that if she uses it for too long or she lifts something beyond her weight limit it will cause a severe headache. Use it even further and it could cause some brain damage so its best to train her once she is able to use it."

Inko was happy that her little girl had a strong quirk, whats more, it was a stronger version of her quirk.Izumi was no better. She was ecstatic that she had such a strong quirk and knew she could be a hero. Which left only Izuku in the background almost completely forgotten. But he was happy for his sister none the less and knew she was going to be a great hero. He just wished that he could have a quirk along with Izumi but he had one question that he wanted to ask.

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