The movement. Not the war. He'd never really gotten used to that. 

Maybe he could take care of one of his problems now. Hikaru's head tilted. Hypothetically, he could make the run to Suna... Well, in no time if he used his Hirashin seal. Then he'd seal Shukaku correctly, and be back to Konoha a little after dawn if he used the Hirashin seal again.

Or he could just kill Kabuto, but then Orochimaru would get ahold of it and flee with Sound Four. Then Hikaru wouldn't be able to do anything.

Hikaru sighed, digging around his living room for his fuinjutsu scroll. When he found it, he shoved it into his pocket. Jotting a quick note on a discarded paper and slapping it down on the coffee table. Good enough. 


Night was heavy around them, all that he could see was the familiar dunes of sand that made his heart clench. Yet here he was, staring at a literal redhead with sea green eyes, eyebags so dark he could mistake Gaara for a raccoon. 

His friend had a brutal death. More than most. It had been by fireball-- and let him tell you that you never want to hear something like that. Or see it. Because even with the sand protecting him. . .

"I can fix your seal." His voice was oddly strong, echoing over the space between them. Eyes lazily looked up towards him, bloodlust darkening them. He had no doubt that Gaara would likely try to kill him at some point during their little visit, but that was fine. 

"Hm?" Came the hum, a mechanical tilt of his head making Hikaru nod. 

"I can fix your seal." He repeated, watching alarm flare in all of Gaara's features. 

"Okaa-san says you're lying." Gaara shifted to stand up, his movements continuing to be calm. He hadn't missed this side of Gaara-- even during the war, he'd kept this side despite all of his trying to be more understanding.

"I'm not. I can let you sleep." He replied, lifting his chin. "And I don't care what 'Okaa-san' tells you. I'm fixing it."

Silence dragged by.

"You seem familiar." Gaara's arms crossed, and he'd forgotten how creepy that stare was.  "How so? I'm not sure I know how."

"Not sure how either." He averted his eyes. "Anyway, we need a secure area. The rooftop isn't the best choice."

"My room will work." Gaara swung off the roof and assumably into his room. Hikaru followed slowly, as if he was about to be stabbed through with a shit ton of sand particles. 

"What next?"

"I know your seal is above your heart. You'll have to take off your shirt." He stuck silencing seals onto the wall, feeling like he was forgetting something. Activating them as he tried to remember what the hell he was forgetting. 

It felt like something important. 

Turning around to see shirtless Gaara still felt insanely wrong. So he focused on not focusing about it. 

Hikaru sighed. "Did Shukaku tell you the next step? I'll try and make it so you could still talk to him, but also so you can sleep. You may not for a few days afterwards, but at least try."

And... Hikaru thought. I'll make it so that nobody can steal your Biju before you die.

Hikaru examined the seal, before sighing. "If I draw the third kanji to the left a bit, maybe everything would be fixed. He wouldn't get out so often..." He muttered lowly to himself, before sitting back, placing a hand over Gaara's seal.

"Listen, Shukaku, don't escape yet unless if you want to kill Gaara. This is a painful experience, and I know you're attached to him." Hikaru spoke clearly, before summoning a clone.

"Put your hand right where my hand is and place our chakra into his seal. That'll loosen it a bit, and I'll draw up a quick seal to supress Shukaku's chakra." Hikaru ordered the clone, who nodded.

Hikaru removed his hand, pumping his chakra into the ink and drawing a paper seal that controls Shukaku's chakra. When he was done with that, the clone had popped and Shukaku was beginning to leave Gaara's seal.

Malicious intent that was weak compared to Kurama's leaked out, and Hikaru sighed, placing the seal onto Gaara's chest, right where his seal used to be.

Ah. That's what he forgot as well. Shukaku was a murderous, bloodthirsty bastard. And he'd forgotten chakra-suppressing seals. 


"Okay. You go have a talk with Okaa-san, and I will draw up a seal." Hikaru muttered to Gaara.

Hikaru grabbed the ink and quill again, spreading his chakra out to feel for any other signature. Kankuro's chakra was alert in the room next to his, climbing out of the bed. In the hallway, a shinobi raced down the hall.

Hikaru frowned. "Gaara, make sure Shukaku isn't in a bad mood, please an thank you." He continued drawing the seal despite the door slowly opening, a trembling hand appearing.

Hikaru cleared his throat and henged as Gaara quickly, setting down his ink and quill to appear by the door. He'd seen Gaara in bloodlust before, felt the intent pressing onto him. So he copied the shine in his eyes, the gourd on his back.

And stared them in the eyes. 

"Okaa-san wants your blood."


Hello! In this chapter, I forgot how to spell. So if you see any spelling/grammer mistakes, please become a stand-in Grammarly, thanks. 

On a completely unrelated note, my favorite colour is a soft green. Almost a pastel aesthetic green, to be honest. Totally not because I have a hoodie that colour that's fluffy and comfortable.

Original: 12/31/2019

Edited: 10/23/2021

This chapter is 1584 words long


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