Wait. The Chunin Exams.

So he opened his mouth again, the words spilling out in a whisper at first. But they grew until his voice was at a normal speaking level, no matter how much they cracked and broke. He explained everything he could, nails digging into his palm.

Eventually, the uncomfort grew and he crossed his arms. Nails digging into the covered skin and grounding him, if only briefly. He got lost in the dizzying memories, got lost in the blurs of colours that seemed to fade as he got older. 

He told Sarutobi about Obito's story. Told him about Madara and about everything. About how helpless he felt, being the only person left. Spilling his heart out because he had a feeling that the pain would only grow from here.

A blink, then a draw from a pipe. Smoke danced in the air as he paused for breath.

"It sounds believable." Sarutobi muttered. "But if what you say is true, then prove it. You have a single week until the graduation ceremony. If Mizuki-san really does betray Konoha and her people, then I will believe you."

Sarutobi turned towards the window, the sun highlighting his wrinkled face. "Have you chosen a name?"

"Uzumaki Hikaru." He muttered, pulling out money from a tattered scroll. "I'd also like to get an apartment, if that's fine."

"Of course. You'll be occupying the space next to Naruto." He was tossed a key. "Limit contact."



Hikaru calmly walked through the streets, his back and shoulders straight. His chin was lifted up very slightly so as to not show arrogance. His strides were long, and his face was blank. His crimson coloured hair was pulled back into a high ponytail, only a few short strands brushing against his forehead.

He tried not to think about the familiar chakra walking his way. He tried not too, but the more he thought about not thinking about it, the more he thought about it. It was hell, really.

His heart started to pound in his chest, but Hikaru ignored it. His gaze searching the crowd. Tall silver hair poked up, a well-worn orange book held in a single hand.

Hikaru forced himself to continue walking, his eyes trailing around the streets. He traced his finger along the edge of the key to his new apartment, trying to calm himself.

Kakashi had died from a mistake of his. A huge mistake that had caused the war to tilt more towards the losing side. Kakashi was one of the last to go, fighting beside Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto, and Tsunade. The rest of the ninja had long stopped fighting and some just ended their own lives.

Kakashi had died killing Obito, died right in Hikaru's arms. Even though it had been at least a year since Kakashi had been buried, he still felt like he was standing in front of his grave.

Hikaru's hands shook, and he whisked his eyes away from his long-time sensei and friend. People were pressing him in on all sides, making him feel like he couldn't escape. His head spun slightly, breath hitching before he forced himself to breathe.

Hikaru walked faster, passing by Kakashi with a small shiver, eyes glancing towards the orange book before darting away. He failed to notice the way Kakashi looked back, black eye trained on him for a moment or two.

Hikaru had places to be, people to ruin. He had no time for the past, only the future of this world. Or so he told himself. Which was a shame, really, because he was teling himself that to the point of being delusional.

Hikaru continued to the red-light district, and slipped into the correct building. Jamming the key into the correct door, hating the familarity of this place. Hating the fact that the carpet was as rundown as ever. 

"Woah! I have a neighbor, dattebayo?!" A boisterous voice interrupted Hikaru's thinking, and Hikaru hid his flinch and the sudden sound. Hikaru turned towards the other- why was Naruto so short?

"Hello." Hikaru's eyes danced over Naruto's attire. It was truly a week before his graduation if he was still wearing the bright orange jumpsuit. He'd outgrown it a long time ago, when Hikaru learned that stealth was key and started to wear darker colours. He still enjoyed orange, but preferred more practical colours to wear.

If you asked Hikaru, though, at the moment, his favourite color was a dusky lavender. It had been Sasuke's favourite colour eons ago, and something Hikaru had willingly teased him about.

"What's your name? My name's Uzumaki Naruto, dattebayo." Naruto asked, a bright grin on his face.

"Uzumaki Hikar." Hikaru stated, watching joy slowly form on Naruto's face. Followed by confusion but hope.

Hikaru regretted everything up to this point. He'd wished he had thought to just shunshin here, to not run into Kakashi or his younger self. His slightly more innocent self. He wasn't prepared to run into a bunch of people that he cared about, even years after their deaths. Hikaru had been stupid, told himself that he'd be okay.

Hikaru had always been a bad liar.

"Uzu- Uzumaki?" Naruto's hopeful blue eyes stared at him, causing something to pierce inside of him. "I have family?"

Hikaru's soft violet eyes were cast to the side, his cheek turned away from Naruto. "Yes. I'm your mother's cousin."


"Yes. Her name was Uzumaki Kushina." He stated, and then promptly regretted everything. That had been classified information, and he'd forgotten about it in his panic. 

The key finally slid in correctly, and he practically leapt into his apartment and shut the door behind him. Leaving a shocked Naruto behind with wide eyes and small questions already past his lips.

Hikaru leaned against the door, his back hitting it with a thud. His hand rested over his eyes, and he sighed heavily.

He knew Naruto didn't need anymore coldness in his life. But Hikaru was extremely startled at meeting, well, himself, that he'd snapped back into his old mood. His detached, calm, quiet self.

Hikaru closed his eyes briefly before standing up. He needed to sleep, get his vest and hitai-ate. He would be a jonin for now, although being in ANBU would honestly be easier because then he could have the mask. Not that he didn't already have one, because he did at one point, although he shoved the thought out of his brain.

Hikaru placed various storage scrolls on the kitchen counter, adding a touch of chakra to each one. They spilled open, revealing items he thought it was useful to save.

More clothes. A few pans, pots, plates, and eating utensils. The apartment was mildly furnaced.

He had a stove, countertops, a microwave, and a fridge in the kitchen. The dining room didn't have anything yet, so he would have to pick up a table and some chairs. He also had a couch in the living room and a small bed in his bedroom complete with a bookshelf and an empty closet.

He had no carpet, not even in his bedroom.

Good. Carpets were a pain to clean.


Hello! So, we're on the second chapter already. Think this is pretty much just about the length each chapter is going to be.

This chapter is 1839 words.

Original: 12/31/2019

Edited: 09/13/2021


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